Chapter 18: Perfect

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That took a turn.

Teenagers rising and standing up for what's right. Who knew?

Well, a lot of people really. Haven't you heard of Greta Thunberg?

Anyway, crisis averted. Alpha Hollingsworth is such a politician, the way he maneuvered the crowd so expertly. He didn't even bring up the fact that his son faced a very similar situation to Ben's. He just got lucky his was interrupted earlier.

After that, the day got away from us and next thing I know it's the final bell. Simon didn't speak to me much afterwards, but I'm guessing he's giving me some space to deal with all this.

And to be there for Liv, which I am.

I've called her parents that day, visited her everyday since her heat struck, bringing her homework and some distraction in the form of gossip.

Thankfully, her parents love me so they're cool with me visiting her. Plus, she did the same to me. And I owe her big.

I'm not letting go of her hand.

The next day, things started to settle down a bit, though Ben still got death glares from students all around the school. But that's to be expected.

To be perfectly honest, he got off easy. It could have been worse, way worse. I still don't know how far he went with Olivia that day. And I'm too afraid to ask her. Or too embarrassed. Take your pick.

But she's dealing with it the best she can. I just hope to Goddess he's not her mate. That would be a cruel joke on her part.

Our omega club has also shown up for their president. They have showered her with love and attention. Some of them also came to visit Liv during her heat. It's part of our shtick.

We're all together now inside the school, just before the first class starts.

"Guys, I just wanna thank you all for the support. I couldn't have gone through any of it without all of you. So, thanks." - Liv told us with a radiant smile.

"I'm just sorry I couldn't be here faster." - I apologized, still feeling guilty about that.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You're allowed to go on dates with your lovely hot boyfriend." - She smirked, making all of us giggle.

"I'm sorry he didn't get expelled, Liv." - Rachel told her with a sorrowed tone.

"I don't think he's a bad guy. It was an impossible situation. It wasn't like Brandon's or Elliott's. I was kissing him. I wanted it. I just didn't want him to go all the way." - She explained in a sincere tone.

She's such a badass.

Nicholas started crying.

"What happened, Nick?" - Liv asked him, worriedly.

"My parents are worried sick about next year. They're already talking about homeschooling me because of my upcoming heat. And I don't want that. But I won't have Elliott to protect me next year." - He sobbed and I winced. Nick is a Junior. So even though he's not worried about heat yet, he still has next year to contend with.

"I'm so sorry. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be working for the pack. But maybe we can petition the Beta to let a warrior on standby during school hours to rescue any of us if need be." - I suggested, feeling terrible for him.

"That's an excellent idea. It's a good thing you know the future Beta very well." - Liv winked at me.

I blushed at her words and the rest of them giggled at me.

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