April 12, 2022

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I woke up to a text sequence that looked a little something like;

trent... Why the fuck has it been almost a whole month and we haven't hung out?

charlie... maybe because you guys are boring af and never want to plan anything.

sadie... well im planning something rn. the usual spot, tn, 7:30. bring snacks!

finn... someone invite Alexa? tell her to bring the nugget.

sarah... i've got it. we could just, idk, add her to the gc-

trent... smart idea. anyways see you guys later

And now, it's 7:25 and I'm watching as Alexa walks towards us, the familiar little girl on her hip. Just like the shy little girl I first met, her face is hiding in her mothers neck, clinging to her, too afraid to let go.

As they make their way towards us, I walk towards them.

"Evie, look who it is!" Alexa smiles. She slowly turns her head around, her eyes meeting mine.

A smiles spreads across her face, as she wiggles out of her mothers arms.

I squat down to hug her, and she jumps into my arms. Evie is a strong hugger, considering how small she is.

"Need help carrying anything?" I ask Alexa, holding the five year old on my hip.

"I think I've got it. Thanks though." She smiles, adjusting a small bag on her shoulder.

The three of us make our way to the group. Alexa the last of seven. Evie makes eight.

"Now who is this cute girl?!" Sarah smiles, peaking over my shoulder. Evie hides her face in my chest.

"Evie, these are my friends. They're all super nice!" I tell her. She looks up at me, and a move her hair off of her face. Her big brown eyes glow in the sunlight.

"But what if they don't like me?" She softly whispers.

"Why would they not like you kid? You're the best!" I smile.

She looks over my shoulder, at all of the people surrounding us. She wiggles out of my arms, and gets a closer look at all of them.

"I-I'm Evie." She stutters, her face turning a light shade of red.

"Hi! I'm Sarah!" She tells her.

Alexa watches as her daughter interacts with her friends. It's sweet.

Alexa, adores Evie. She would put down her life for her.

"Hey kid," Trent smiles at her. "I'm Trent."

Alexa walks over to me, slightly clinging to my arm, leaning her head against my shoulder. I freeze. I must be dreaming. There's no way she would ever choose to be this close to me.

We stand in silence, watching Evie easily befriend everyone, already playing with them, giggling as Finn tosses her up in the air.

"Evie really adores you. She talks about how awesome you are all the time." Alexa softly says, a small smile spreads across her lips.

"She's a good kid Alexa. You're doing great with her. She's so lucky to have you as a mom." I tell her. She looks up at me, her eyes sinking into mine.

"Mom! Look!" Evie shouts, sitting on Charlie's shoulders, using a towel like a cape.

"Oh my god," Alexa laughs, joining in on the fun.

I love this. All of us back together again, like nothing has changed. Alexa fits right back in the group like a missing puzzle piece. Evie, has become her own piece of the puzzle, fitting perfectly.

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