march 18, 2022

339 5 0


Six forty-five, just like she said. I lightly knock on the door. Slowly but surely, Alexa answers it.

"Sorry, I was just cleaning up dinner," She smiles. "Come on in." She motions. A young girl hides behind her legs.


She looks exactly like Alexa. They share the same lips, face shape, nose, and freckles.

"Shoes on or off?" I question.

"Whatever you want. I don't really care." She walks back towards her kitchen. I look around, boxes half unpacked, minimal furniture, and bare walls. It's obvious she just moved in.

I watch as Alexa finishes up the last dish, and picking up her daughter. Her eyes meet mine, and she hides her face in Alexa's neck.

"Evie," She puts her daughter on the counter. "Say hi."

"Hi." The young girl shyly says. I smile at her.

"Hi." I say back. "I'm Jamison." I tell her.

"I'm Evie." She replies.

"I heard you started school today, is that true?" I question. Her eyes light up.

"Yeah I did! I made so many friends! And then I went to the surf board store, and saw the cool ladies pink one, and then I went to dance class, and made so many friends there too!" She excitedly says. Alexa looks at her daughter lovingly.

"No way! Really?" I question, trying to keep up with her energy.

"Really! And mom said I can get one like it!" She smiles.

"That's awesome!"

"I just need someone to teach me how to use it." She giggles. I look over at Alexa.

"Well, back wayyy before you were born, your mom was the best surfer around, so you'll learn from the best." I tell her. Evie looks over at her mother in shock

"Mom! You said you didn't know how to surf!" Evie squeals.

"Baby, I haven't surfed in seven years. I'm not going to be very good anymore." Alexa tells her daughter.

"Then who's going to teach me?" She whines. Alexa glances at me.

"Why don't you go watch a show in my room, and we'll talk about it later, okay?" She pulls Evie off the counter, and hesitantly walks down a hall, and into what I assume is Alexa's room.

She leans on the counter, arms crossed, and clear exhaustion in her face.

"Sorry I didn't," I start.

"It's fine." She says. "What do you want to talk about?"

"There's so much to talk about Alexa." I tell her.But she knows exactly what I mean.

"Look, if this is about me moving, it's not something I want to talk about, nor am I ready to talk about Jamison. And honestly, it's none of your business." She sternly says.


"It's not up for debate."

"I'm not going to fight you on it, I just need to know why. Whyd you'd do it? Without saying anything? I thought,"

"Because it's what felt right Jamison. I don't know how to explain it to you. It felt right, and so I did it."

"And you come back with a kid, like you have your life all figured out," I start. It's like a dagger to the chest just saying it.

"There is, a lot to this story. And like I said, it's not something that I want to discuss right now, especially with you. So please, if that's what you wanted, I can show you your way out. I'm not going to waste my night on this." She says, anger in her tone.

"I deserve an explanation Alexa. One minute we were the happiest couple ever, and the next you were gone."

"I don't owe you anything Jamison. The decision wasn't easy, but it was the right one." She softly says, her shoulders drop.

I back away from her, heading back towards the door. I'm not going to waste my time trying to get something out of her. I don't know what happened, but something did, and whatever it was, changed her. Maybe for the worse, maybe for the better.

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