Chapter 19

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Previous Chapter: 

About a meter long is a pool of fresh, sticky, wet blood that led off the edge of the cliff.

This Chapter

Jasmine's parents immediately started to cry and held each other, distraught about what this meant for their daughter.

I stumbled back in shock. This meant Jasmine was... officially dead. 

This officially confirmed it.

I stumbled over and sat on a nearby rock, needing to process everything.

Jasmine was... dead. I would never, ever see her again. Ever.

A single tear slipped down my cheek.

I felt someone come up from behind, sit down and wrap an arm around me.

I leaned into him, needing someone for support.

We sat there for hours in silence, watching the sun slowly set, as did our hope of finding Jasmine alive. We would've stayed there for even longer, if it wasn't for the police who needed to tape off the area and needed us to leave.

My shoulders felt like weights, dragging my feet down while I stumbled through the rocky terrain. My shoe caught on a particularly larger rock and I tripped, falling head first onto what should've been the rough ground below.

Instead, I tumbled through an inky black hole, that I could've sworn wasn't there earlier, and into the unknown below.

I heard a distressed cry behind me and saw a shadow of a person jump in before the ground sealed up, leaving only a tiny crack of light left in the dark space.

"Nick? Is that you?"

"Yeah, where are you?"

"LUCY?! NICK?!" 

I froze. That was a voice I hadn't heard in a long time. I must be imagining things, there's no way...

"Is that you guys?" Came another voice. It was impossible. These guys were meant to be dead, how were they here?

I must be hallucinating things, my mind came to the conclusion of. That was until I heard shuffling on the concrete ground and saw a pale hand grip mine, one with a bracelet identical to the one I had given Jasmine.


Please see the next part- the Author's Note- as it explains why this chapter has ended so abruptly.

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