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(2 years later) 

Dear journal 

I turned 18 a few months ago and everything has been better than before the past two years; I have a scar on my face from the last time I had something crazy happen. Alex and his people contacted me and told me who I was, where I came from and why I can interact with ghosts. Wataru and I have been together for awhile too, my parents have been a bit more interactive with me. They even adopted a puppy so I won’t feel so alone. It’s my senior year in school and I can’t wait to get outta here cause it’s driving me crazy, not only the ghosts of the ones who died here but also the fact that I have to take more harder tests then the years before. My life has been crazy and still more to come but I look forward to it. I can’t wait to be an adult and live life freely without problems and people trying to kill me for what I did or can do. This is my last journal, till next time my dear friend thanks for always listening to the crazy things that happened to me during this time in my life, Ella Rosewood out! 

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