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Dear journal (Ella’s mind)

I am trying to find a way outta this place but I can’t seem to find one. The area I am in has a door but it’s locked and I don’t know how to get it open until....*creek* the door is opening slowly “come on Ella we will help you get out of this place!” says Carlos, one of the ghosts, Carlos died in a train accident, he said someone pushed him and he couldn’t move out of the tracks on time. I go towards the door and walk out and I enter a hall that's long and dark, I can smell a mix of blood and urine. As I walk down the hall it feels like the other side is so far away, I walk past rooms with small windows to peek through so as I pass them I peek into every room. The first 6 rooms are empty all I could see were white walls and blue floors, the next 10 rooms I pass I see people on beds with IV’s in there hands with some blue liquid going into their arms. The last 12 rooms I see dead bodies in rooms with labels door 1-20 , the bodies were piled up up to 10 bodies the most. You could see how their arms were limp and the blood running down their faces and how they were in a pool of blood, the smell was not strong but it still made me want to puke. I walked faster trying to find the exit, then finally I found a door but when I opened the door…

Dear journal (Ella’s mind)

When I opened the door… It's not an exit, it’s a stairwell I see a window when I look out the window, I see I’m in a desert. The building has a lot of floors. I look at the number near the door I just came out of and it says 5th floor. I need to leave this place but for some reason I feel like I should go up the steps and find out what is up there, so that’s exactly what I do. I walk up the stairs and head towards the door that says 6th floor. As soon as I open the door the smell of cleaning products hits my face, it smells like someone has been cleaning everything every 2 seconds. The smell of Clorox filled the air. I tried to step forward but the smell is so strong I feel like I’m getting drunk from it. After a while I finally walk forward and I find myself stumbling and walking like a drunk person on a sunday morning. 

Dear journal 

I am walking, but with every step I take I walk limp and wobble as I walk and hit the wall. I almost hit my head against a pole in the middle of the hallway but thank goodness I didn’t or else I might have died or got caught sneaking around. I fall to the floor and I feel the ghosts holding me up again so I can get out of this hallway, I’m dizzy and feel like puking but everytime I open my mouth to puke Carlos closes my mouth saying “Ella no you will get caught!” Finally I get to the end of the hallway and I can’t hold it in anymore so I push Carlos out the way and open the door next to me and puke my guts out, while puking my guts out I notice something shiny glimmering and bothering my eye so I after I finish puking I walk into the room. Computers! I found a room filled with computers and by the looks of it they control the building and the cameras around this place. I sit in the chair and start to look through the computers trying to find a safe exit where no one will be able to see me, I find 3 places I can go to, to leave and finally get home but they have a weird sign on them saying something and because the sign is too small I can’t see it with the camera. 

Dear creepy people who kidnapped me 

I finally got out of this dump! Wasn’t easy with all the sneaking around and trying to not die by the lion which I have to say is quite a pretty creation. The door I pick was # 2, the sign said “only one door can be picked choose wisely for your life is at risk” I heard on loud speakers that you were looking for me so I ran towards the 2nd door and yes almost died but of a heart attack! I mean who in their right mind would dress up a lion in a dress, paint its nails pink and name it fluffy kitten, although I almost died and had to run and jump over a ton of spinning tables I do say I am impressed you manage to trap me for a moment in the room by locking the door. Thank goodness for my ghost friends or else I would have been toast! You're crazy and creepy and I don’t really trust you but… you said something that caught my interest… my parents if they are not who they say they are then who are they and what happened to my “real parents”  if you get my letter then get back to me or text me or something but pleases don’t kidnap me again I don’t wish to be knocked out and held to a chair by ropes. From Ella the kid who escaped

Dear journal
This is so crazy, well my whole life is crazy I guess… I learned that my friend Wataru is a grim reaper, my parents aren’t my parents, I got kidnapped, I wrote a letter to the ones who kidnaped me, and I killed 2 guys who wanted to hurt me and I can see and interact with ghosts. Who in their right mind would have thought that I, Ella Rosewood would have such a crazy life and that all this would happen when I turned the age of 16 my life would take so many twists and turns.
I haven’t gone back to school yet, I don’t think I can… my parents didn’t notice I was gone “you were gone?” said my mom “I thought you were sleeping in” said my dad, they didn’t care when I told them that I was kidnapped and that I saw dead bodies and that I almost died while being chased by a lion named Fluffy Kitten. I got so many texts from Wataru on my phone asking what happened, if I was safe, and why I left without saying anything to him or the others.

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