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Dear Diary…. That’s how I always started my journals when I was young.

 Hello my name is Ella rosewood, I am a teenage girl, I look normal and seem like everyone else, but I'm different....much more different.  This is my story and my daily life, from bratty mean girls who act like they're the only thing that matters to nerds who wanna be football players to your not so normal teenage girl. Hope you enjoy……

Dear Journal
I just turned 16 last month, I thought that because I'm older now I would get respect. I was wrong, completely wrong, all the kids in my school are envious of the jocks and the cheerleaders, not me though I don’t like them, I just want to be normal but I can’t no matter how hard I try I can’t… I have a secret that no one knows about and I can’t let them find out ethier it’s too dangerous. Do you want to know what it is? I’ll tell you…

Dear journal
I’m so sorry I didn’t finish writing last week. I couldn’t tell you, I don’t think I can… ok maybe I’ll tell you anyway, you're only a book after all, I… I have been seeing things, hearing things… you don’t believe me huh? Well I'm not lying ok? Yesterday I saw a girl walking in the football field during the jocks practice. I ran towards her trying to move her but when I jumped in the way to push her over she disappeared instead I got hurt and got knocked out. I think it’s because I'm so kind towards people that these ghosts keep messing with me. Not all of them are like that though only some, others protect me and warn me if something is going to happen, I help them and in return they help me. My life has been like this since as long as I can remember, but I learned to live with it, with them. As long as I don’t get in their way when they try to “prank the humans” then I won’t get hurt.

Dear journal
It’s me Ella. Today was one of my craziest days ever. I met a new ghost whose name is Reji. Reji said that he died a week ago and started roaming the streets, not knowing where to go. He said that he doesn’t remember how he died or where his body is. I told him I'll help him as long as he protects me from harm, I took him to school with me, Kailey the queen barbie wanna try to push me down the steps. Thank God I can touch ghosts cause I would have died, Reji caught me just in time. When I was floating in the air Kailey screamed “WITCH WITCH!” Her group of girls all ran away scared thinking I was a witch and that I was going to do something to hurt them, but I'm not like that, I’m not like them.

(Six Months later)

Dear journal 

It’s been six months I haven’t written, Remember that guy named Reji? Well ghost cause he’s dead. Well I found his body about 4 months ago, gave him a funeral and thought he was going to leave but he didn’t, he has been staying with me since the day we met and hasn’t left. Through the past few months I tried so hard to stay quiet and let the jocks and wanna be Barbies do whatever they want to me as long as they don’t push me down the steps or make me bleed. That was the plan, the promise, the pact that we had… but jocks and cheerleaders will be jocks and cheerleaders and break the promises that they have with normies and nerds, you know that people who ain’t like them….

Dear Journal 

 I'm tired, I'm so sick and tired of being pushed around and being used as their plaything. I tried so hard to not use ghosts against them but I couldn't help it, I had to...to at least scare them, just a little just like I did with Kailey and her group of Barbies. So that’s what I did just like before, but this time I asked Reji to hold me up as high as he can away from the floor so that I could scare them. It …was...so..much...FUN! The look on their faces screaming and yelling “ HELP THERE’S A WITCH HELP US!!!” omg it was PRICELESS.

I can’t wait to see what will happen next, let's see if they will mess with me now.

Dear cheerleaders and Jocks

You may have noticed that today I’m not starting with “dear journal.” Why? Because This is a secret note to those jocks and cheerleaders who screamed at the top of their lungs last friday. I warned you that I would not hold back and would do anything in my power to make you leave me alone, I tried telling you I could, and I would but you never listen. I would have thought you learned your lesson the first time and second time but by the looks of it… you haven’t, so I will prove to you that I can and will make your nightmares come true.

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