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2 months later

There's a boy in my living room and his arms look absolutely amazing as he carries a cardboard box and sets it on the coffee table in front of me.

He adjusts the box so the word kitchen faces the right way before he stands up straight again, smiling at me in accomplishment.

Green eyes and dimples make me return his smile, excitement bubbling up within me at the prospect of finally moving into an apartment that was chosen over a month ago.

"Did you want me to move the kitchen boxes?" Levi asks me, not moving to pick the box up again.

Despite the fact that I would love the show, I shake my head.

"No, that's fine. I'll move them into the kitchen later," I say, gesturing to a door on my left which leads to the kitchen.

Levi nods, stepping towards me until he is right in front of me.

"All done then, mylady."

I tilt my head as he steps closer, the distance between us miniscule.

"My hero," I compliment, adding a dramatic flair as I sling my arm around his shoulder, meeting his lips with my own when he leans down.

He smiles into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around me as we fall into familiarity, his fingers painting patterns against my black dress.

"Okay, I'm stopping this before it gets any further!" a female voice exclaims from the doorway behind us. We break apart, turning to face the owner of the voice who looks at us in exasperation. "I do not need to walk in on you guys again. That's permanent trauma."

Levi and I both laugh, the sounds echoing around the empty room, yet to be filled with all its furniture and belongings.

Levi's arms loosen around me, prompting Nora to nod in affirmation before she walks towards her new room in our apartment together, flaming red hair billowing in her wake.

I shift towards the boxes on the coffee table, opening one labelled decorations. As I sift through its contents, I feel arms wrap around me from behind before Levi's head rests against my shoulder.

"How does it feel?" he asks me, voice so soft that it is almost a whisper in my ear.

I gaze around the relatively large, modern-looking living room, surveying the lack of any real furniture other than a shelf by the front door and a coffee table with piles of cardboard boxes on and around it.

I listen. Silence.

I smile.

"Thrilling," I whisper back.

Levi pecks my neck and squeezes my waist, before he releases me and moves to the decorations box that I have opened.

He grasps something and chuckles before lifting it and facing me.

"How touristy. Where do you want this?" he asks, holding up a small Eiffel Tower ornament.

I stare at it, memories flooding into my mind. The accessory was a gift from my father, an homage to the country where he met the love of his life and pursued his dream.


I lift my head to meet Levi's expectant gaze.

"Over there, on that shelf by the entrance," I answer, pointing to the doorway. "Might as well let everyone see it - I am French after all."

Levi's eyebrows raise slightly but he does what I say.

I glance down at the rest of the box, noticing a cream sheet of paper sitting on the side of the coffee table.

In celebration of Margot Lawson and Louise Pearson.

I smile to myself.

"When's your appointment?" Levi asks me, having walked back to where I stand.

I purse my lips, trying to remember.

"3pm, since Petroula had to change the time. Why?"

Levi gives me a lopsided grin, tilting his head to the side as he gives me his best puppy-dog eyes.

"Ice cream now?"

My eyebrows raise and I give him a pointed look, paired with my hand settling on my hip in a chastising manner.

His grin widens.

"Pleaseee? I've been slaving away for you. Come on, Ror. I'll even let you get berry sorbet in a cup. My treat."

I laugh, my head falling back at Levi's words, fingers moving to grab my keys. Levi pumps his fist in the air at my concession, prompting a laugh from me once more.

He leads the way in eagerness, exiting through the front door before I can even grab my phone.

I follow closely behind Levi, closing and locking the door behind me.


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