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Shit. The acai bowl is too much for today.

If I want dinner tonight, I'll have to get a smoothie.

" - decided yet?"

I look up at Nora, belatedly realising she's just spoken.

"Sorry, what was that?"

Her green eyes light up as she chuckles, the sound reverberating around the cafe. A few college students glance at us, but I'm lucky enough that Nora's flaming red hair steals most of the attention, my presence in the corner booth going unnoticed.

"Oh, I was just asking if you've decided yet. I'm ordering the fried chicken burger, Millie said it was good last time she had lunch here."

I hesitate before answering. We never have meals here, always just coffee.

Ever since we found this cafe in June, we've met up for coffee every week. A little ritual before I start my graduate program in event management at UCLA, its campus situated across the road.

It's convenient and it's simple, but today Nora wants food. Which didn't fit into my plan.

"Yeah, I'm not too hungry. I think I'll just order a smoothie." I smile to punctuate my comfort.

Nora nods.

"Sounds good. Berry, I'm assuming?" she adds with a smile, her knowledge of my habits evident.

Of course, she doesn't know that it's because the banana and peanut butter smoothie is almost double the calories.

"You know me too well, Nor."

We sit in peaceful silence until the waitress joins us and asks for our order. Nora orders her burger, I order my smoothie.

It's ironic. Nora is tiny, her small height complimenting her petite frame. And yet, I've never seen her conscious of what she eats. She's never been athletic, save for the rare yoga class with me.

She's so natural. Genetics, I guess. Her entire family is the same.

Wild, red hair, forest-green eyes and a smattering of freckles that paint stories of their love for the sun, the sand and the sky. They're all petite too.

At my average height of 5'6, I tower over Nora and her two sisters.

"How is Millie by the way?" I question, a brief image of a 15-year-old version of Nora appearing in my mind.

Nora's auburn eyebrows raise at the question, the freckles on her forehead pulling up as though she's surprised by my interest.

"She's good. Starting high school soon, which is weird to think. Lacey's good too. She's terrified about starting at UCLA, but she'll be fine. I told her about the cafe, that's why she and Millie got lunch last week. They were scoping out the area before Lacey starts next week."

I smile at the idea of Lacey starting college at the same place that I'm essentially working for.

"I'll make sure to keep tabs on her. College freshmen, you know how they get."

Nora's eyes squint as she grins, her rosy lips stretching.

"Not really. You know I was never the partier."

I tilt my head and blonde bangs enter my line of sight, obstructing my brown eyes. I pull them away with my fingers before a fond smile forms on my face.

"Yeah, I know. But not all of us had a high school sweetheart to keep us busy," I say, referring to Nora's boyfriend of 8 years, Jai Devi.

Nora rolls her eyes.

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