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"I think the banquet went extremely well."

Margot's words elicit a wide smile from me, the praise calming any and all nerves.

When Margot sent me an email to inform me that we were going to review the last semester of events, I immediately panicked at the thought of an evaluation and why it may be required.

As it turns out, the review occurs every 6 months and wasn't provoked by anything wrong on my part. The thought is calming, considering my position across from an intimidating Margot who sits at her desk as if we are in a job interview.

"I'm so glad," I say cheerfully, smiling brightly at Margot.

Her expression mirrors mine, a sight which always makes me feel valued.

Margot closes the folder in front of her, dark eyes piercing mine. Her smile drops as she surveys me.

"And how have you been personally Rory? I'm sure the banquet took a fair bit out of you," she says, her words soft but holding a deeper connotation.

I nod before speaking, affirming what she has mentioned but also that I understand what she is really asking about.

"I'm okay. I like being busy and I've actually recently started a relationship, so I feel like I'm surrounded by the right people," I begin, the word relationship sending nervous flutters throughout my abdomen. Margot nods, a soft smile on her face as she waits for me to continue. "I would also like to thank you for giving me Louise's number. She's been a huge help," I finish, deciding to leave it there. While I may be seeing Petroula, I wouldn't be here without Louise's referral.

Margot's smile widens slightly, her maternal expression deepening.

"That's wonderful to hear Rory. It sounds like you're taking measures to ensure your own independent happiness," she responds, professional words spoken in a motherly tone.

The word independent triggers something in me, my thoughts immediately drifting to a mother who will never understand her daughter.

I swallow, considering the word. When I formulate a response to Margot, a quiet chuckle escapes me.

"As independent as you can be while living at home, I guess," I say, prompting a thoughtful look from my boss.

What Margot says next is both unexpected yet thrilling.

"Maybe it's time for you to go out on your own then, Rory."

The words ring in my head for the rest of the day.


Come in, we're nearly done anyway.

I sigh as I stare at Levi's text, the inviting words dancing across my phone screen and prompting an awkward atmosphere.

I contemplate just walking onto Levi's football field as he coaches the younger players, my right foot crossing over my left at the awkward thought of me intruding as an outsider that nobody knows.

I could just wait for Levi from where I stand one street away as I had intended, but he's already invited me to see him at the field.

My feet shift as I prepare myself to walk to the field and likely embarrass myself by standing awkwardly to the side while Levi does his job. Just as I uncross my legs and step towards the field, I receive another text from Levi.

Samuel is here - babysit him for me?

I laugh out loud as I read the words, my pace quickening as I near the gate and catch sight of a field of small boys in red jerseys running across a large field.

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