chapter 21

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Percy woke up to Kym shaking him. "Hey sleepy head come on, Dad wants to see you at this meeting." He groaned turning away from her, not wanting to move. "Nope." Kym chuckled, ripping the blankets away. "You need to come to this meeting or else." Percy got up and got ready to meet everyone in the throne room. Once he was dressed he walked out of his room to be met with Apollo.  "Hey." Percy visibly perked up, a smile greeting Apollo as he closed the bedroom door.

"Hey, sunshine. You going to the meeting too?" Apollo grimaced at the question, "Uh....that's the thing, the meeting, its..uh.." Apollo was cut off from stammering by Poseidon coming up them, "Son! Come on, we're going to be late." Apollo looked down, not wanting to meet Poseidon's gaze. Percy looked between them, worried, "What's going on?" Apollo looked at Percy, "We have to talk to my father, this is the first new relationship in years....He wants to speak to both of us, also...uh the demi-gods are going to be at this meeting too." Percy looked between his father and Apollo, "What?! But what if I transform or loose control?" Apollo pulled him into a hug, "You won't, its been months, you should be good.." Percy pulled away, "It's been what? What year is it for the demi-gods?" Poseidon winced, "For them it has been two years." Percy looked down, "Two...years..." 

"Be honest, are you okay?" He shook his head, "No, but I will be. Come on." Percy woke up that day prepared for a meeting with the council, not the demi-gods too. 

When they got to the throne room, everyone watched him and his father enter. His gaze instantly found the demi-gods. Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, The Stoll brothers, Leo Valdez, Piper Mclean, Will Solace, Pollux, Katie Gardner, Lou Ellen, and Nico Di Angelo. Everyone met his gaze, their eyes were soft and understanding. "Go talk to them." Apollo told him, "They understand, and they aren't mad at you." Percy looked at Apollo's face, looking for anything to show he was not telling the truth. After a while, Percy nodded, walking towards the group of demi-gods. 

"Hey." Percy greeted, his head inclined towards the floor.  "Percy can you look at us?" Annabeth asked. He looked up, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. "So my dad?" Will asked, a smirk on his face. Percy looked down, a blush showing up on his cheeks. "I....Yeah." Nico shot an empathetic look towards the young god. "I hope you know none of us are mad at you." He told Percy, who eyes widened in response. "I...I know." Clarisse looked at him, hoping to catch his gaze. "Prissy?" Percy looked towards her. "So, you really are a god, huh?" He looked down, trying to hide his eye color. "Hey, we aren't mad or anything, we sent you those gifts, and we all said goodbye too." Percy nodded, waiting for his boyfriend to notify him when the meeting is about to start. Percy looked around at the demi-gods, knowing this will be one of the last times he sees them.

Apollo came towards the group, "Perce, its time." Percy nodded, heading with Apollo to the center of the room. Zeus looked at Percy a glare pointed straight at him, "Let's begin." Everyone, but Percy and Apollo, sat down in there thrones or the floor. "Okay, correct me if I am wrong. You to have started courting?" Apollo looked at Percy, "Correct." Zeus nodded, "Okay, Poseidon, any rules or restrictions these two need to hear?" Poseidon looked at Apollo, "Yes, I do not to want to see any PDA, neither on Olympus or Atlantis. If I hear of any PDA, Perseus will be grounded for the next decade." Percy gasped, "Dad? Why?" The demi-gods chuckled shaking their heads, glad Percy could finally have this relationship with his dad. 

"Also, if I hear of a pregnancy before Percy is 21 in human years, I will be cutting off some body parts." Percy went wide eye, as Poseidon glared at Apollo. The council stifled their laughter, as the two gods got rules set. "Anymore rules?" Zeus asked, trying to hide his amusement. Poseidon looked at his brother, "That's it." Zeus nodded, looking towards the two, "Okay now, we need to figure out if marriage is a possibility in the future or no." The both gods in the center of the room stiffened. "Uh....can we not right now?" Apollo asked. Percy looked down, wide eyed. "Why, son? You love this god, correct?"  Poseidon and the rest of the council, saw what was going on. "Father, you should wait, until the two are ready." Hermes requested. "I suppose, but if these two wish to court, then they should have plans for a possible marriage." Everyone froze, "Fine. If this last longer than two more human years, we will get married." Percy said, looking at Apollo. Everyone gasped, Apollo went wide eye, a smile was creeping onto his face.

Apollo looked at his father, "So, are good on this topic now?" Everyone nodded, "Yes." Apollo nodded, "Okay what's next then?" Hestia walked forwards, "I need to speak with Percy, than he will come right back here. Once we come back, the next thing planned is talking about the possibility of children and if you two even want them." Everyone looked down, the demi-gods looked at Percy weirdly, like they were confused.

Percy followed Hestia out of the room, "What did you want to talk about, Aunt Hestia?" She smiled meeting Percy's gaze. "Did you say that because it was true or because of who is here?" Percy knew she wasn't be judgmental or rude, she was worried for him and Apollo. "I think both, but more because of Apollo. I am falling in love with him, I know I am. I...I just hope he loves me too. And I didn't want Zeus to ruin that by trying to force marriage on us, but I guess I did that instead, huh?" Percy chuckled tears starting to form. "No, you didn't! You should have seen his face, he was so happy you said that. I am just hoping that you two won't be hurt by this meeting." Percy nodded, going in for a hug.

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