Chapter 14

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Percy watched as Apollo walked away. "Why do I always end up scaring him off?" Percy said, huffing. He walked over to a row of flowers. Artemis came over next to Percy, "Hey.." Percy smiled at the moon goddess. "I wish these could have been in the field..Would've made traveling easier." Artemis ushered over Hades. "Percy, what field?" Percy still in a trance with the flowers, didn't notice Hades kneeling next to him. "The field near the city of course." Hades' eyes widening in understanding. 

Poseidon walked over to Apollo, "What is going on?" Apollo looked at Poseidon. "He is starting to remember his past lives." Poseidon nodded. 

Percy looked at Artemis, his head no longer fuzzy. "Can we eat cake, now?" Artemis smiled, "Of course we can!" Percy smiled, standing up walking to his cake.  He grabbed a knife that was placed by the cake. Percy looked around him, he walked over to his dad, "Hey,'s kind of tradition for the parent to cut the cake." Poseidon nodded, walking over and taking the knife. He put the knife on the half way point, "This good?" Percy nodded, "Yeah you cut in half, the fourths, and keep cutting till their is a piece for everyone." Poseidon nodded, doing as his son described. Once Poseidon finished cutting the cake Hermes brought over platter of fruit and subs. "Percy, I think we should have something before cake." Hermes said, receiving a nod from Percy.

Hades walked over to Poseidon, "Brother...I don't think he is aware of it, but he is remembering a past life. He talked about a field in Ancient Greece as if he himself had been there." Poseidon looked at his son, "Can people share characteristics as the people they were in their past lives?" Hades looked thoughtful, "Um...I don't know. When a spirit chooses to be reborn, they are dipped in the Lethe and then are allowed to be reborn, but there are the ones that can still remember some details or all details. Like my son, he was dipped before being put into hiding, but he had to be taught English, and he never forgot his sister's or mother's names." Poseidon nodded.

Percy grabbed his plate, heading over to the food, he grabbed a sub then a couple fruit kebabs. He headed back to the table, "Percy, wine, virgin bloody Mary, or nectar?" Apollo asked him. "Um... Wine?" Apollo nodded snapping his fingers. The wine cup was now filled with red wine. "Thanks." Apollo nodded, sitting down next to him. "How are the subs?" Apollo asked noticing the sub crumbs on his plate. " was good, not as good as Subway though." Percy smirked, "No one can top Subway." Apollo chuckled, "Lets do presents while you eat, so you can enjoy desert by itself." Percy nodded before biting into a strawberry. 

"Everyone sit down, we are going to do presents, so if you haven't put yours on the table now its your chance to give it to him." Apollo announced. Kym came up to Percy, handing him a small drawstring felt bag. "Here you go, lil' bro." Percy chuckled, taking the bag, while biting off a blueberry from the stick. Percy opened it, there was a braided yarn bracelet, in the middle of the bracelet was a charm of a storm. "Thanks, Kym. I love it." He said, looking at the charm. 

Apollo handed Percy two small box shaped gifts. He looked at them noticing the names on them. Sally and Paul. "What?" Percy asked looking up, to see Apollo had called his mom on IM. "Mom.." Percy whispered, a smile on his face. "Oh.......Percy." Sally smiled, tears in her eyes. "Open them." Percy nodded opening the top one, the wrapping paper said it was from his mom. Once the paper was off of the box he opened the jewelry box. Inside was a gold ring, all around the ring was a different colored stone. "'s your ring." Sally chuckled, "Actually its the family ring, the first child of every generation received it. Your grandpa gifted it to me, now I gift it to you." Sally said noticing all the gods gaping at the ring. It was very old, older than most people think.

Percy put the ring back into the box, opening Paul's gift next. It was a bulky gold ring. The top of it had a crest carved into it. "Paul..what about Estelle?" Paul smiled softly, "I was an only child, so my parents gave me both the male and female one. Your sister will receive the less bulky of the two." Percy nodded, looking down at the ring smiling. "Thank you, its amazing! The both of them are!" Percy said his eyes lining with tears. 

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