Chapter Thirty-Three

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Aurora stood gaping at the door. Its safe to say the was shocked. Or was if fear? Maybe confusion? Either way, she wasn't entirely sure how to react to seeing Synn stand at the door in front of her without a hood in sight. His face was stoic, serious. He looked cold, though she could see his eyes shining with amusement.

"Sunshine" She muttered, barely audible. Synn raised a brow at her.

"Mr. Parker, its a pleasure to meet you. I'm Levi King" Levis voice interrupted the two of them. Aurora turned around to look at Levi, seeing a satisfied look on his face as he eyed Synn. He came to stand behind Aurora, the back of her head hitting his cheat, stretching a hand out in front of them, in which Synn firmly grasped.

"Likewise, and please, call me Beau" Synn said with a stiff nod. Levi smiled slightly at him. Auroras jaw dropped in disgust as the name that just left his mouth. Beau? What sort of name was that? Synn glanced down at her briefly, trying desperately not to comment on her expression. Alaric told him to keep a neutral look, not like he ever showed much emotion anyway, however he was struggling to keep his composure with the way Aurora was reacting to the situation. He was just releived she hadn't punched him yet.

"Please, come in, we're all out the back" Levi said. Synn stepped into the house, looking around. At least the initial shock of the place didn't strike him as he had already seen the interior the night of the gala. He didn't particularly like the place though, he felt uncomfortable, out of place. Levi closed the door, then rested his hand on Auroras shoulder blade, guide her along with them towards the back garden.

"Close your mouth, Isaac will scold you on your poor manners" Aurora shut her mouth instantly upon Levis quiet words. She looked up at him to see him raising a brow at her cheekily. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tounge out at him. Synn walked slightly behind them to be respectful. Levi noted this. He was quiet, and wasn't trying to make that desperate chit chat to get on his good side. As they walked through the back garden doors, everyone turned to look at them. Aurora walked towards her usual seat in between Atlas and Axel, but while doing so she caught Alarics stare. His face was nonchalant, but he was awfully smug. Aurora pointed at him, then slid her thumb across her neck subtly. He was very pleased sith himself.

Levi introduced Synn as 'Beau' to the rest of the guys, and vice versa. Synn then took a seat at the head of the table, opposite Levi. The triplets sat on one side and Isaac, Alaric and Elijah sat opposite them, with Alaric being sat closest to Synn. Everyone dug into the fine set of Italian dishes and casual talk erupted around the table. Aurora kept glancing at Synn, still in slight disbelief that he was here, dining with her family. Though Synn kept stealing subtle glances at her too.

"So, Beau, how old are you?" Axel asked eventually. He was intrigued by this guy. He too had noticed how he was awfully quiet in comparison to the other lick holes that had previously dined with them.

"I'm twenty-three" Synn said with ease. Aurora made a face to herself but dropped it once she noticed she did so. Truthfully, Synn did look alot older than he was, so he could easily pass for a twenty-three year old. Especially with his new attire.

"Still very young" Levi commented, raising a brow at Synn from the opposite end of the table.

"Experience trumps age in my opinion, especially in the Mafia" Synn replied confidently. Levi looked at him for a moment before nodding, pleased with his answer. Alaric realised this and felt slightly relieved. It was going well so far but this is when it gets tricky for Synn. He just hoped the whole thirty minutes he had to look over his own file was enough...

"I've heard you have worked with many Mafias in the past. I can't help but question if you have any loyalties" Levi said. Aurora watched from the centre holding her breath unknownst to herself. As she glanced at Synn, she could see his left palm clenching on the table. He was getting anxious, uncomfortable. He composed himself well however, but Aurora wasn't sure for how long.

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