Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"This was the whole point in moving here! So we could have more protection for this family!" Levi exasperated. He stood behind his desk, arms flying all around him in frustration. Aurora sat on one of the chairs across from his desk sideways, with her legs hanging over the arm of it and her back resting against the other. Atlas was sat on the other one, properly. Axel, however, had his arms pressed against the desk, leaning over it while glaring at his older brother.

"Well yeah obviously, we understand that. But do they have to be so obvious?" He questioned, remembering how apparent all the black cars were to him. Truth be told, they weren't that obvious to a normal persons eye, but the triplets were practically trained to spot stuff like this.

"Maybe the obvious, the better. Sebastian Knight and his gang aren't going to pull anything if they know they're being watched" Levi shrugged.

"Well do you know who else isn't gonna pull anything? Me! I ain't gonna be pullin' no-one if they see me being stalked by a bunch of men in black" Axel reasoned. Aurora snorted from her position in her seat. Levi shot her a warning glare, but she merely shrugged. Her eyes shot back down to her lap to look at the time on her phone. It was coming into the evening time, after six, and she was growing more and more anxious about her meet up with Sunshine. Levi had men everywhere. She was sneaky and sly, but fuck, she wasn't that sneaky. She wouldn't last ten minutes before she'd be caught. Besides, she hasn't gotten a chance to talk to Alaric yet either.

"I thought I made it clear when we first moved, no relationships were to happen here" Levi said sternly. Axel scoffed and stood up straight.

"I wasn't talking about a relationship...just a mere fuck buddy" He shrugged, muttering as he looked down at this folded arms. Aurora looked at Atlas, who looked back at her with a tired look. He shook hisbhead before standing up.

"Just think about it, please. We still want to have a half normal life but its getting more and more difficult" Atlas reasoned, looking at Levi honestly. Levi darted between all three of his youngest siblings faces. Eventually he sighed and nodded wordlessly. The triplets were content with that and left him to ponder over their words.

As they strolled down the hall, Auroras phone began to ring. She frowned, looking down to see it was an unknown number. She fell back slightly, now walking behind the two boys and answered the call.

"Hello?" She said unsurely. It was quiet. She pulled the phone away from her ear to make sure she hadn't hung up by accident and surely enough she hadn't. On the other side of the phone, Synn was frozen.

"You have to talk into it" Bruise whisoer yelled. Synn frowned and waved him off. He turned his back to the guy and cleared his throat.

"Aurora" He said slowly. Brusie smacked his hand against his forehead at the awkwardness of the guy. Aurora however, stopped walking. The voice on the other side of the phone cause an eruption of butterflies in her stomach. She gasped loudly but slapped a hand over her mouth once the two boys turned around to look at her questionably.

"My sugar daddy" She shrugged, before sprinting off to her room, leaving the boys in utter horror. She shut the door and locked it behind her.

"I'm not you're fucking sugar daddy" Synn huffed through the phone. Bruises eyebrows shot up. He figured he had enough of this conversation already and Left the room before he heard anymore. Synn was quick to take his seat behind his desk

"Yeah yeah, whatever. How are you calling me right now?!" Aurora gasped, falling onto her bed effortlessly to lie on her back.

"I bought a phone" Synn said cooly, the words sounding foreign on his toubge but he leaned back and propped his legs up on Bruises desk nevertheless.

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