Chapter 23: Plans

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After the wedding, I took Talia to my parents' house in the country. We spent our days riding the horses, eating strawberries, and getting to know each other even better. Talia said she had an amazing time and so did I. Part of me wishes we didn't have to come back home, but the other part wants to get back to business. I have a King to destroy.

Ty and a few of our army's generals were waiting for me in the conference room. Technically Tyler was in charge of the guard, not the army, but he kind of assumed both roles and no one did anything about it. He handles the responsibility well and I wouldn't trust anyone more. Especially when it came to Talia.

"What do we have gentlemen?" I asked as I strolled in.

"We've gotten a lot done while you were off on your honeymoon," Ty told me, drawing out the last word.

I rolled my eyes but listened as Ty went on to tell me all that they had planned. We went through the plan step by step to make sure it was perfect. And it was. I expected nothing less from Tyler.

"When will we be ready?" I asked him.

"We could move out tomorrow if that's what you wanted. We are ready."

"Tomorrow it is. We depart at dawn."

I wanted this done as soon as possible. I needed it done.

King Henry is finally going to get what he deserves. He hurt my Sunshine and now he's going to pay. I'll make damn well sure of it.



Beck and I got back home this morning. He unfortunately had a meeting so I went to find Lina and Anna. They wanted all the details of the honeymoon. I gave them most everything, but some I kept to myself.

The girls being maids had to get back to work so I decided to go for a little walk. It was a nice day with a clear blue sky and the bright sun shining down on me. I tilted my face up and let the warmth of the star spread over me.

It truly was a lovely day so I decided to spend some time outdoors. I sat under my and Beck's tree and pulled out my book to read. I opened it to the page I left off at, but couldn't seem to focus. Something felt off.

The training yard was quiet. Too quiet. Usually there were guards out here practicing all day. There was always someone out here, but not now. It was desolate.

Feeling out of place, I decided to go figure out what was going on. Somewhere along the way, Charlie found me and I followed him to the front of the castle where wagons were being loaded. There was so much going on. What was all this for?

I looked around for Beck or Ty, but didn't see them in the crowd. Maybe they went back to their rooms? I decided that was my best chance and went back to look for Beck.

My stomach had turned into a bundle of nerves. It knew something was wrong, I just wish I knew what it was. Beck would tell me if something was wrong right?

I didn't notice I'd made it to my room until my door opened and I stood face to face with Beck. He smiled down at me until he realized something was wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked him. "Why is everyone so busy?"

Beck sighed and led me back into our room. He took me in his arms and I rested my head on his chest for comfort.

"We are leaving tomorrow," he told me.

"What? Where are we going?"

"You aren't going anywhere," Beck said firmly. "I'm going to take down your father once and for all."


No, no, no. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. Beck is going to get himself killed!

I took a step back from Beck and tried to figure out a way out of this.

"You can't go," I said.

"I have to Talia."

Beck cupped my face in his hands and looked down into my now teary eyes.

"He hurt you and I can't let him get away with that."

"He will kill you!" I cried out. "You can't go! I need you."

Tears started streaming down my face and Beck looked truly pained. Why couldn't he understand?

"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself," Beck told me.

"Please don't do this."

"I have to Sunshine."

I knew there was no changing his mind, but I so desperately wanted to. There was this feeling deep down inside me telling me that something was going to go wrong. It was telling me Beck wouldn't come home from this and I couldn't let that happen.

"I need you," I whispered.

"I promise I will come back to you."

He couldn't promise that though. Anything could happen and keep him from coming home. I can't do this alone! I need him.

But I knew there would be no convincing Beck to stay back. He had his mind set on destroying Father and nothing would deter him.

So there was only one thing I could do.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked.


"Wake me up before you go?"

I smiled up at Beck and he agreed.

Step 1 Done.

His SunshineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon