Chapter 18: The Prisoner

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It's been three days since the ball, but it's felt like so much longer. Tyler was the only person I'd told about Talia's father and he was running private investigations with every member on the staff. Anyone could be the spy and we wouldn't rest until that person was behind bars.

I was sitting at my desk getting some work done when a maid came in.

"Your Highness, the Captain has requested your presence in the dungeons."

I thanked the maid and practically ran down to the dungeons. Tyler was standing in front of a cell. Inside was a servant. He was chained to the wall.

"This is him?" I asked and Tyler nodded.

"Yes, but it's complicated. He will explain."

I turned to the man and told him to start talking.

"He threatened my family Your Highness. I have a pregnant wife and an infant daughter. He found out where we live and threatened their lives. I'm so sorry Your Highness, I couldn't let them die."

I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face. I didn't know what to do.

"Is anyone else involved in this?" I asked.

"Not that I know of Your Highness."

"You're sure?"

The man nodded.

"If I find out you're lying you are dead."

I turned and walked out of the dungeon with Tyler trailing behind me.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me.

"He will stay in the dungeons until we take care of King Henry to ensure no more information is passed. Then we send him back to his family."

"He will receive no punishment?" Ty asked.

"He did what he thought was best for his family. He didn't have a choice. I would do the same thing, I can't blame him for protecting the ones he loves."

Tyler nodded and we walked silently back to his office. We had been going over plans to defeat King Henry. He hurt the person I loved most in this world and he was going to pay.

We had most of the plans in place now all we had to do was decide when to take action.

"I say we wait until after your wedding," Tyler said. "You will have more power and authority as King and he won't have any hold on Talia anymore."

I agreed.

"I want the wedding moved up. I'm not waiting two weeks to kill that damn bastard."

Ty nodded and offered me a drink, but I declined. I hadn't seen Talia all day and even though it was well after midnight and she would be asleep, I at least wanted to see her face.

I walked to Talia's chamber and was surprised to see light coming from the crack under the door.

I knocked lightly and went in. Talia was sitting in her bed holding her knees to her chest.

"Why are you still awake?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "Can't sleep."

I knew she'd been having more nightmares lately. I hated that I couldn't take them away. All I could do was be there for her when they woke her. I'd been staying in the room across the hall for the past few nights so I could always be available for Talia.

"I'll be right back."

I went to my temporary room and put on a pair of pajama pants. Then I went back to Talia's room. I climbed into bed with her and tucked her into my chest.

"Sleep," I told her. "I'm right here."

My Sunshine snuggled into me and soon I felt her breathing deepen. I was glad I had gotten her to fall asleep. Technically we weren't supposed to sleep in the same bed until we are married, but I don't care. Talia needs me. And besides, what could anyone do? I'm the Prince.

I gave Talia a kiss on the forehead and settled in.

"I love you Sunshine."

Talia hummed and it brought a smile to my face as I fell asleep.

His SunshineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora