Chapter 11: Keeping Secrets

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"What did you find?" I asked Tyler.

It had been three days since I'd asked Ty to find information on Talia and the not knowing was eating me alive.

"Nothing," he said.

I sighed. "So she's fine then."

"No. When I said nothing, I literally meant nothing. There's no proof that she even exists."

"What? How can that be?"

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

I didn't either, but I trusted Talia. Something deep down told me she wasn't a threat and I followed it. Tyler agreed with me, but still found it odd that there was no trace of Talia. Especially since she was related to the King.

She had said her parents were pretty over protective, but could they be so over protective that they hid proof of her existence? Was that even possible? I asked Ty and he didn't have an answer for me. There was only one person who would.

I found Talia in her room reading one of the books Mother had suggested to her.

"Can we talk?" I asked Talia.

She nodded and I knelt down in front of the chair she was sitting in.

"Talia, I need you to tell me what's going on."

"What do you mean?" She asked anxiously.

"I know something is wrong and I need you to tell me what that is."

"N-nothing is wr-wrong."

Tears filled Talia's eyes and it hurt knowing I was the one that caused them, but I had to figure out what Talia was hiding from me.

"Talia, there is no trace of you even existing. That's not normal."

Talia gasped and shrunk down in her chair.

"M-my parents w-were over p-protective," she stuttered out as tears spilled down her face.

"I know that's not it. Tell me Talia."

When she didn't respond, I cursed and stormed out before my anger got the best of me.

Why wouldn't she just tell me so I could fix it? Why was she being so difficult? I just want to help!



I ran to my bathroom and locked myself inside. I was sobbing uncontrollably and couldn't seem to get enough air in. It felt like someone had ripped all the the oxygen out of my lungs.

"Talia?" Lina asked through the door.

I didn't respond.

"Talia, we know you are in there. Let us in."

"No. Leave me alone," I cried.

I couldn't have any more people prying into my life and if I let my friends in they would just question me. I couldn't lie to them, but I also couldn't tell them the truth so the next best thing was not telling them anything.

The girls left, but a while later there was a knock at the door.

"Talia?" It was Maggie this time.

"Go away please."

"What about lunch with the Queen?"

I forgot about that, but I wasn't in any state to go now.

"Tell her I'm not well."

Maggie sighed, but left me alone to my tears.

I couldn't seem to calm myself and the once I was alone, the sobs came back full force.


I ignored the deep voice I'd come to know so well. Why couldn't everyone just leave me alone.

"Talia, please let me in."

I didn't respond and Beckham kept pleading with me to let him in, his voice laced with pain. It was hard to ignore him, but I couldn't face him. If I did, I would spill everything and end up dead. Then I would lose everything. I know that makes me selfish, but I'd just gotten a taste of freedom and I was scared to let it go. But Beckham wouldn't want to marry a liar so I might lose it all anyways.

Beckham's pleas didn't stop, but soon another voice butted in.

"What did you do?" The woman asked.

"Nothing! I just wanted to help!"

"And when she wouldn't let you?"

"I sort of yelled and ran out."

The woman sighed and soon I heard Beckham yelp. "Ouch!"

"Get out you numbskull," the woman said.

"Mother!" Beckham whined and my face paled.


The Queen was here listening to me have a mental breakdown. Oh God, kill me now.

"Out!" The Queen shouted and I heard retreating footsteps.

"Talia?" Queen Maria said much softer. "Will you let me in?"

I didn't think I could say no to the Queen so I unlocked the door from where I sat beside it. Queen Maria came in and sat beside me.

"Oh Darling, I'm so sorry," she said, wrapping her arms around me.

I sobbed into her shoulder probably ruining her dress, but I couldn't help it.

"There there," Queen Maria said. "Everything will be ok."

Coming from Queen Maria, I felt like I could believe it and was able to calm myself.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking at the mess I made of her gown.

"No worries. I have tons of dresses. This one is a little stuffy anyways."

Queen Maria smiled at me and I returned a small one.

"Now, you don't have to tell me what's wrong, but know that I'm always here if you want to talk."

I nodded and Queen Maria gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

I felt much better after that. Being in Queen Maria's arms felt almost like being in Mom's. I hadn't felt that in years and it soothed me.

I missed having a mother's love and feeling a little of it from the Queen herself made me feel much better.

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