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"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Yibo who was seated asked, jin han took a deep breath and answered.

"Dad don't trust xiao zhan, we used to be friend's but then our friendship came to an end and he promised to get back at me, he approached you not because he loves you or anything, he just wants to get revenge and once he achieved his goals he will leave you, trust me father i will never lie to you." Jin han said.

Yibo raised his eyebrow and he seems not to be really affected with jin han word's, his expression didn't change at all, surprising jin han.

Wang yibo:"For me getting played and lied to by xiao zhan, does it have any business to do with you? I don't remember ever telling you or allowing you to be interested in my business, i wonder since when did you start minding my business? I remember warning you never to involve yourself in my matters, whether xiao zhan will play with me doesn't concern you."

Yibo got up and left leaving jin han speechless with a pale face, he didn't expect his adoptive father to say such words, it looks like xiao zhan completely manipulated wang yibo and now his adoptive dad will not believe anything that he will say! He thought xiao zhan is innocent and will never harm other's, but now he seems to be completely wrong, xiao zhan from the start has never been innocent, he has been scheming all this time to get to his adoptive father! He never truly loved him from the start! He was only waiting for a chance to get close to his adoptive father and now that he has achieved his goals, he left him like he is nothing!.

"Xiao zhan...xiao zhan, i never expected you could be this good! I really underestimated you all this time." Jin han whispered while clenching his fist in anger, not only did his adoptive dad believe him, he got scolded too, now the warm relationship he had with wang yibo has gotten even more distant and cold, if this continues then he can't imagine what will happen in future.

Time skip

Zhan has less than three day's before reporting to his college, he got everything that was needed, he also managed to get a room at the college hostel where he will be sharing with someone else, zhan always talks with wang yibo from time to time, recently his appetite has been too bad.

Zhan mother woke up at around two in the early morning to go and get a bottle of water, arriving in the kitchen which was dark, mrs xiao was invited by the sound of someone chewing, even if she couldn't see properly in the dark, she knew the chewing voice was coming from the fridge, and she can see a small figure crouched down and was busy eating.

Zhan mother switched on the lights to check properly who it was, and she froze when she saw the empty plastic bottles of strawberry yoghurt and several small paperbags of dried mangoes that were meant to be taken to be given to one of Mrs xiao  pregnant friend scattered all over the kitchen floor! Mrs xiao frowned.

"Xiao zhan what do you think your doing in the middle of the night!" Zhan mom asked with a frown on her face, zhan turned around to look at his mother, his lips and nose was covered with yoghurt, his cheek swollen because he had several pieces of dried mangoes in his mouth, zhan swallowed what he was chewing, taking the remaining bags of dried mangoes and two strawberry yoghurt zhan stood up.

"Mommy i feel hungry and i wanted to eat something sour and i found these dried mangoes which are still not ripe and they taste so good, mommy i will get going now." Zhan bypassed her mother who was rendered speechless and didn't know what to say, the fridge has cakes and other snacks too, but that brat chose the unripe dried mangoes and not only ate one, but ate everything! Did something happen to his baby or he is sleepwalking! Since when did his baby boy started eating unripe dried mangoes!.

Mrs xiao watched her son walk away until he was out sight, remaining standing for sometime, zhan mom sighed, xiao zhan didn't eat well for the last few day's, he always feels nauseous wherever he smelled the food prepared and he has to force to force himself to eat just a little, zhan mom never thought much and guessed that it must be a stomach bug, she even bought some medicine and gave it to xiao zhan to take and she didn't know that xiao zhan didn't actually take the medicine but rather threw it away.

Zhan mom cleaned the mess her son caused, got a bottle of water and went back to the  room continue sleeping after checking on xiao zhan and making sure he is okay, zhan who was done eating touched his slightly bulged stomach, but the next second the feeling of vomiting came again and this time it was worse and he had to run to the toilet and he vomited everything that he ate, he then slumped down on the toilet floor weakly while panting hard.

"What's wrong with me? I feel so uncomfortable?" Zhan whispered closing his eyes while trying to breath properly, he really couldn't be having college phobia? He loves to eat but now he is afraid of eating of eating because everything smells and taste fishy, he woke up not long ago wanting to eat something, he managed to eat something and he didn't have the nauseous feeling, he didn't expect after he was done eating, he vomited everything.

Zhan rinse his mouth and went to bed after regaining a little bit of energy, lying down in a fetal position, the mild pains on his stomach subsidised alot.

Xiao zhan dad has been busy recently, good thing's seems to be happening recently and even the biggest and most influential business in the city wanted to cooperate with him, zhan dad didn't expect the successful young man wang yibo will actually want a partnership with him, and the advantages and profit was really tempting and at first he was really hesitant, talking to his wife mr xiao finally decided to accept to partner with wang yibo, he did everything witg his wife, they worked hard together and he must consult with his wife before making any decisions.

The day to go to college finally arrived, zhan prepared himself, since his dad and mom were busy with their new project, zhan convinced his parent's not to bother taking him to college, he will have his best friend lu bai take him together with the house butler.

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