Chapter 11

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All Might didn't know whether he should feel happy or not. His face was stuck between a grimace and an awkward smile as he watched the girl who had turned his life upside down in a few weeks. His eyes followed her as she took the God-knows-how-much spoon of chocolate chip ice cream and stuffed it in her mouth. He should've known that a hug wouldn't fix the bomb she had been carrying on her shoulders. And don't even get him started on that.

"It's going to be fine, I am here. You don't have to do this alone Shane-san. I promise I will take care of Tenko.. " he had lifted her chin to make her look at him. ".. and you."

He glanced at her. She ate another spoon. With the pout and her puffed cheeks, her face was resembling a frowning chipmunk while she kept watching soap operas. How was she even eating this much in her mouth with how cold it is?! He shook his head.

Another world?! And she knows the future! His hand slid over his face in exasperation. This was tiring and he still hadn't even sent a letter to Gran Torino, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of the white haired hero.

He shook his head sighing again, watching as she stuffed another scoop if ice cream in her mouth. At least she's staying more inside where she's safe. The thought was supposed to be nice but it felt sour. Finally, he had enough. He got up from his seat and turned off the TV, facing her with a grin.

"hghey! I wash watching dat!" She looked up at him, her face stuffed with ice cream around her mouth and nose and a variety of Plac—How did she even get it on her-

"Okay! I think that's enough ice cream for this week." He reached for the huge bucket but she held it back hugging it.

She swallowed before crying out, "Leave Eugenia out of this!" His eyebrow twitched.

"Eugenia?" He sat down beside her on the couch, "Shane-San, what's wrong?"

She gripped the ice cream tighter, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just bonding with Eugenia over my pain and having an existential crisis. No biggie!" She quickly took another spoon. He was almost going to grab it again when she turned towards him.

"All Might." he paused at her serious voice.

"I've been thinking about it. I'm getting super bored and panicky. If I stay like this with all the stress and free time, I'll explode." Knowing the glitch thing, the chances of that happening literally aren't that slim.. All might nodded. He looked satisfied by her words. yes.. off to a good start.

"I understand Shane-san. I know your situation isn't.. usual." he looked to the side, one of his eyes twitching before he plastered a smile on, "But I'm happy you're talking about it and not spending more time eating ice cre-"


"ehem... Eugenia." he looked so done, his smile straining.

This is very good, might my man! "I'm glad you said that." she grinned, This is the best time, Keira, say ittt! "Because I applied for a programmer position and got accepted!"

He flew backwards almost making the couch tilt backwards. "A job! Please tell me you're joking."

She stood up closing the bucket, "Lying is bad. But I'll let it pass this time. Of course I'm joking." she put it in the fridge before turning to him with a brow raised, "You do known I'm not joking, right?" He stood up as well from the couch.

"What part of dangerous don't you understand? With your knowledge, you should know what kind of man that bastard is." Here we go again.. "He's a villain Shane-san and he will use any means to get to you and Tenko."

She turned abruptly, "I'm not gonna stay like this All Might!" She could feel it. The stress was piling and piling. She took a breath feeling a bit of it lay off her shoulders, "I'm sorry, but if we stay like this, there won't be any me left to protect. The stress is killing me! I don't want to think about my world or this world or anything okay?! All I want is a distraction. Staying here like a damsel while you go heroing is not the way. I got a job. I'll be safe."

She looked up at him, "Everything will be okay... Because you are here, right?" 

A long tired sigh followed her words.


And so, she started her new job. Nobody glanced twice at her. Even though she knew she looked like an awkward mess. She took a deep breath before a grin made its way on her face. Finally, something from my old life. Something I love. Coding! She entered the huge tower that was actually right beside might towers. She shook her head as she remembered what happened this morning.

"Good morning Shane-san! Beautiful day isn't it?" she shoved the blanket over her head. Was the sunlight too much in this room or what?! "Rise and shine! It is your first day at work."

The room went silent. "All Might. My alarm didn't ring yet. Please get out."

"Ahaha Shane-san there's only thirty minutes left till seven so-"

"Come back in after the thirty minutes." she shifted the blanket tighter. "Lemme sleep."

After a few moments of silence, she let out a sigh in relief. Sadly, the sigh turned into a yelp when the blanket was pulled away from her. "We're going a bit early since I want to drop you off!"

Her gray eyes blinked groggily, a frown etched on her face. She noticed he had his bangs down and his smile was there, but mellower. He looks cute..

she turned away giving him her back, "I'm sleeping." Cute or not, sleep comes first. After a lot of insisting (All Might literally almost splashing her with water..), she was awake. She had dressed up, checked on Tenko, then went to the door where All Might was waiting.

They went downstairs and before All might even opened his mouth, she had pointed towards a tower five buildings away. "That's my stop. Bye." she started walking away leaving the sheepish super hero behind.

She shook her head. Maybe I was a bit rude. She couldn't help it though. She never was a morning person. She entered passing through the reception and going straight for the elevator. Once the doors closed behind her, she checked how she looked in the mirror, her hair half up half down. She straightened her shirt and pencil skirt before taking a deep breath and whispering to herself.

You are a powerful girl boss. You are a powerful girl boss. You are a powe— Ding! Her eyes snapped open at the same time the doors were opening.

She plastered a smile on, albeit a nervous one, and took her first steps towards her new job.

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