Chapter 6

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Keira was back in her house in Musutafu with Tenko. It was calm and peaceful as the sun was shining, the air was cool, and the blonde hero was holding up a sign—wait what??

She flinched back as she saw the two bangs and the smile on top of the house in front of hers, "What the hell..?"

He was holding up a sign with words written on it in English, "Move in with me?" Her eye twitched before she smiled sweetly and then snap! The man flinched at the curtains that closed abruptly. 

The girl started making breakfast knowing Tenko was going to wake up any minute now. She sighed thinking back on her last words with All might.

"Shane-san." He had looked serious, "I want you to stay here with me you and young Tenko."

She swatted the thought away with the spatula as it materialized. That was another irritating thing that popped up. Her quirk was acting up weirdly. She didn't know what was happening but now sometimes when she remembered something, it would actually pop up like a hologram.

"Keira-nee, good morning." She turned grinning at her favorite person.

"GM Tencchan!" she had said it in english making the boy look at her curiously.

"GM?" she snorted, "It's short for good morning Tencchan, but in English" she stuck her tongue out. She put in front of him pancakes as the boy drooled. He put the little All Might figurine beside him on the table before starting to eat.

"All Might was super cool, right Tencchan?" she asked while standing on the stove.

"Mmhmm." She put her own plate before sitting down in front of him and starting to eat when Tenko looked at her. "You shouldn't do that, Keira-nee." She tilted her head with a little 'hm?'

"You should say Itadakimasu before eating." She blinked as the boy suddenly recoiled once he registered what he said. She put her head down and the boy looked scared.


 "I am very sorry, Tenko-sama." She raised her head with a grin and put her hands together, "Itadakimasu~!" before continuing to eat as the boy stared with wide eyes. She hadn't noticed these expressions lost in her own thoughts but somehow, she was happy the boy was becoming more comfortable with her.

During the following days, Keira noticed Tenko slowly opening up more and more. There was also someone who was popping out more and more everywhere. In the last one, she almost had a heart attack!

"Tencchan, do you want this yogurt?" the boy nodded before going to the snacks corner. She let him choose as she looked around for the rice. She wasn't that good at reading Japanese so she kept squinting at each sign. Oh! There it is! The rice was stacked in one of those huge containers. She took one but paused when she saw two yellow things popping out of nowhere. "Bananas?" she put the rice in the cart before holding them hesitantly. She flinched, Hair?! She slowly pulled and almost screamed when a smiling head came out with the hair. "SHIT!"

"I am here!" he whisper-shouted. "Shane-san move i-mmph!" she shoved his head down before throwing some rice packets at him and running with her cart. She heard a "SHANE-SAN!" before, "KYAAA is that All Might!?!!!?!"

She sat down sipping her coffee on the balcony.

"Coffee hm?" ptuiiii!! she spit out a good bit at the deep voice that came from beside her before coughing loudly. Her eyes snapped to the handkerchief extended towards her. She took it wiping her mouth as she looked at the blonde hero annoyed.

"All might *cough cough* what a pleasure!" she winced. Although they left on differing terms, she was still an All Might fan. Didn't know I was this good at hiding it! "I liked your sign." She said nonchalantly. He raised an eyebrow and she raised one in return.

"Shane-san, please think this through. I don't see why you do—"

She raised a finger "Strange man." another finger "living with someone I don't know." Another finger went up "living in someone's house." Another finger "Privacy gone." She took another sip pointedly looking at him.

"C'mon, I won't do anything, you can trust me!" he smiled putting his hands on his waist in a heroic pose before flexing his arms.

"Do your muscles have anything to do with the trust?" she narrowed her eyes as he stopped posing.

"Uh.. no?"

"Then why're you posing like that?!" she looked away giggling. "Look. I know you're a good guy but I'm really not comfortable living in someone's house. How about you just check up every once in a while?" she put her cup down looking at him apologetically.

He came nearer looking at her with an electric gaze that seemed almost glowing, his voice low making shivers move down her spine, "If All For One is looking for him, then both of you are in grave danger. You asked for my help, now you need to let.. me.. help.. you." Her cheeks flamed from his proximity and she turned her gaze to the side.

"Ehem! Like I told you before All Might, if Tencchan agrees, he should go with you. I will not be moving in either way." She said stubbornly before suddenly she felt two huge hands around her waist lifting her up.

"Eh?!" she suddenly found herself in front of the blue eyes she had fangirled about in the past.

"You'll thank me later, Shane-san! Let's go!" She found herself settled on his shoulder before he crouched down. At this moment, she started to register what was happening. "W-w-w-w-w-wait!! What the hell are you doing?! All Might c-calm down. We can talk ab-bout this! No n-need to—SHIT!" they were in the air and she was seeing nothing but the ground.

"Shitshitshitshitshitshit!!!" instead of her kicking her legs, she reached an arm around his neck trying to hold on to him. "This is not happening! This is not happening!! All Might, let me down!!" She felt his chuckle more than heard it. Jerk!!

"I thought some air would help you think better!" he adjusted his hold on her legs making her screech.

"You're supposed to be a hero, you jerk! This is blackmail!!" she tightened her hold.

"This is for your own good, I'm saving you from your stubbornness. It's not only you but Tenko as well. Have you thought about him?" she hit his back multiple times but she might as well have been hitting a wall.

"Of course I d-did. Shit!! The ground is so high!" she squeaked trying to raise herself to another position but his hold was firm. "I j-just.. All Might, put me dowwwwwn!!"

The wind suddenly changed directions and they were going down at neck breaking speed. She felt his hand pull her down before the other held the back of her head. Had she not been skydiving right now, Keira would've been resembling a tomato. They landed on the roof of a building and he put her down gently. Once he did though, she scrambled away as much as she could.

"You are a villain! This w-was in no way heroic!!" she took a few more steps back fighting the urge to kiss the ground and run away more. His smile was there and she felt goosebumps break out on her skin. She didn't know if they were from the wind or from how he was looking at her. "I didn't want to do this, but I've been trying the whole week and you're so stubborn. I'm giving you one last chance before I take you on midair swan lake!" he took a menacing step forward and she felt the same villain aura.

"s-swan lake?!" she took a couple of steps back looking frantically around for an escape. She raised her hands, "let's be reasonable! You don't need me to live with you! Just convince Tencchan!"

"Young Tenko will not come without you and you know that." In two strides he was in front of her. "Besides," His gaze bore through her. "your safety matters too." She pursed her lips and leaned forward before- kick!! She kicked and tried to run but it was worse than ramming her leg in metal. She jumped around holding her leg in pain as the man beside her shook trying to contain his laughter. "ouch ouch ouch!!"

Once she stood up on it she looked at him resigned, "You're not gonna drop this are you?" he shook his head with a growing smile.

"and I can't convince you?" another shake made her huff. "Fine.." And so, she found herself roped in to living with the number one hero. 

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