Chapter 7

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She was back at the penthouse of giants. She was standing beside their luggage as Tenko walked around the place with All Might talking animatedly beside him. Keira stood awkwardly, her hand holding the other by the elbow. I should act normal. What is normal anyways? 

She pursed her lips as she watched the boy getting excited but still keeping his reserved look. She didn't know how to help him but she felt responsible. She felt so responsible that it scared her. She blinked at the thought. Huh, never thought I would think like the run-from-commitment-type. Am I gonna discover I'm a villain in the end?! 

She chuckled at the thought before wincing and deciding to enter the house. She went to the couch and sat down fiddling with her hands before fidgeting a bit before playing with a strand of her hair. She kept at this routine until All Might noticed her and decided Tenko should see his room. All Might had made him a room filled with toys and his merchandise along with a cute bed, wardrobe, and desk. Once he was sure Tenko was focused on the new games, he went outside to check on his second guest.

It was funny to see her fidgeting so much like a kid. She was sitting in the middle of the giant couch and looked very uncomfortable. He had to remind himself that she wasn't like other fans. He had essentially forced her to live with him in a way. Guilt knawed at him but he couldn't be lenient. This was the last relative of his master. The last piece of her on this earth along with One For All. He couldn't let All For One get his hands on him. No. He wouldn't.

The woman as well had become important to him. He couldn't tell her how grateful he is. No matter what he said, she could never understand how important this was to him. That's why.. the least he could do was ensure her safety. And anyways.. how hard could it be?

"I am here.. to make sure you are settling in well!" He boomed plopping next to her making the couch dip a bit. "Shane-san, I want you to treat this as home. If you need anything, please let me know. I want you and young Tenko to be comfortable and safe!" She nodded silently still fidgeting. The silence stretched and this time both of them fidgeted uncomfortably.

"All Might" he perked up immediately, "How long are we going to stay here?"

He deflated a bit, "until I can make sure you and young Tenko are safe."

She narrowed her eyes, "What so should I be expecting one year plus then?!"

He chuckled, "Already thinking long term Shane-san?"

"Is this deflecting?"


"Are you deflecting?" she had enough, "How long are we staying here?!!" she hissed and he leaned back a bit with his hands raised to calm her.

"Shane-san please calm down. The only way to ensure your safety is if you're here. All For One is very powerful and until I find him and defeat him, you and young Tenko should stay here." He turned serious, despite the grin on his face and her face set on a frown. She turned a bit away from him and he felt the urge to laugh.

"Now now turn that frown upside down!" he said grinning as she grimaced and pouted even more, "How about you try my special cream stew recipe? I made it especially for you and young Tenko!"

"No thank you." She said it automatically turning more.

"Oh.." she peeked at the man and almost cooed at his sad face. He looked so upset and she felt the simp inside her shout. His head was down and disappointment went out in waves. Are his bangs going down as well?! My fragile heart..

He looked at her and she felt guilt surround her, "I guess I'll just.. have to eat it with young Tenko.." She broke and with a defeated sigh she relented.

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