chapter 44.

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Rhea Knight

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Rhea Knight

I sat next to my father's bed watching as he slept.

It had been two weeks and he was still in his coma.

Two weeks of me hoping that he didn't leave me. Two weeks of me hoping that he'd wake up with some ridiculously unfunny joke. Two weeks of me hoping that I would get to hear his voice again. Two weeks of me hoping that he would get to see his grandchildren grow up.

I sighed, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles as I squeezed his wrist.

I was now seven months and growing closer and closer to my due date. It seemed like time was flying by entirely too fast in the midst of all this chaos and stress. Luckily it wasn't affecting the baby and that was one of the few good pieces of information that I had been given.

Anthonie was trying his best to make sure that he handled everything in regards to the attack on my father while I sat beside him, wanting to be here if he ever woke up. I wanted to be the first person that he saw when he woke up. I wanted him to know that despite how I found out, I was his daughter and I loved him very much.

I wanted him to know that I might've been twenty-five years old but I still needed my father by my side to hold my hand from time to time.

The hospital door opened and looked up to see Marc Anthonie waltz in with a smile on his face, Anthonie wasn't too far behind him. He held a card in his hand as he walked over to me and squeezed his way in between my thighs and showed me it.

'' I made this for grandpa,'' he spoke proudly.

The card said get well soon grandpa and on the front cover it was Marc holding Roman's hand with what looked like a bunch of headless bodies surrounding them.

This kid was twisted.

'' He's going to love it, Marc.'' I laughed, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he moved to place the card next to Roman's bedside table.

I eyed Anthonie, wanting to make sure that this was an arts and crafts project done at home and not at school. We didn't need any more complaints from that school after the pencil incident.

They seemed like the type to call CPS on perfectly happy and normal families.

Anthonie nodded in confirmation as he walked over to me and pressed a kiss to my cheek.'' I have a gift for you at the house.''

I loved his gifts lately. All of them consisted of human body parts and it made me so horny just thinking of what he could have possibly done next.

'' Really,'' I beamed. '' Can I have a hint?"

Anthonie chuckled and simply shook his head.'' No. You'll wait until you get home.''

I frowned and crossed my arms. How dare he deny his pregnant girlfriend a hint?

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