A Sick Kaia

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Once they made it to the parking lot of the main branch of Sabor Sites, Alex pulled out his phone to call Zac. "Zac I need your help getting through the secret entrance," Alex said before hanging up. Alex knew that Zac would be in the building even during odd hours, so he didn't need to worry about bothering Zac.

Alex stepped out of the car and walked over to the passenger side, opening the door. Kaia was fast asleep. Alex looked at her with a small sigh seeing how defenseless she looked while sleeping. He lifted her up in his arms, kicking the door closed with his foot before walking towards the building.

He waited for about three minutes before Zac opened the door. Zac almost froze when he saw Kaia in his arms but he quickly regained his composure and swiftly stepped to the side, holding the door open as Alex stepped in. Zac walked in ahead of him to put in the key for the elevator's top floor. When they arrived, he held the door open for Alex to walk through while carrying the still sleeping Kaia. "What happened, boss?" he asked, as they made it inside Alex's office. Alex looked at him as he walked to the corner of his office setting Kaia down in a huge, almost recliner-like chair. He looked at Zac. "Call one of my family's private doctors and let them know that my wife needs a check-up pronto. Oh, and make sure it's a female doctor." Zac nodded without hesitation before taking his phone out of his pocket and walking outside to make the call.

Alex slipped his jacket off his shoulders and placed it carefully over her Kaia, making sure to tuck her in. He stared at her flushed face and sighed. Initially, he had assumed she was drunk, but he didn't smell any alcohol on her. He knew that she must've overworked herself and the added stress on her body from the night before probably didn't help. He leaned down, gently stroking her hair out of her face. When this whole thing started, he didn't plan on getting attached again. He only thought about getting close to her again. He never knew he would go weak after spending just a few days with her.

Standing straight, Alex walked over to his desk and continued looking through his paperwork as he waited for the doctor to arrive. But for some reason, he couldn't think at the moment. His eyes kept wandering over to Kaia's sleeping form. Unconsciously, he also thought about the secret binder he kept at home and the copy in his desk. He couldn't stop himself from wanting to look at it again despite knowing the contents by heart already, so he pulled out a set of keys and opened his desk drawer. He sifted through some folders and documents on top before reaching the bottom and pulling out the binder. Hearing a knock on the door, he looked up to see Zac with the doctor behind him. Alex quickly shoved the binder into the desk drawer and closed it, forgetting to re-lock the drawer as he shoved the set of keys back inside his pockets. He stood up and walked over to greet his family's private doctor. They both walked over to Kaia before the doctor began a careful examination.

Taking a second glance towards Kaia's face the doctor pressed her lips together. This woman seemed really familiar. It wasn't her job to be nosy, so the doctor immediately started by checking Kaia's blood pressure and lungs. Hmm...an irregular heartbeat, she thought. The doctor looked back at Alex. "What are some of her daily habits?" she asked as she studied Kaia's skin carefully for signs of any abnormalities. Alex placed a hand on his chin thinking. "Well, she eats breakfast and I make sure to send food to her office when she's working..." He stopped for a moment. "She does have a habit of chewing on ice now that I think about it," Alex added. The doctor stopped for a second and looked back at him. "Is she anemic?" she asked, her attention once again returning to Kaia. Alex blinked, his face looked troubled. "Not that I know of. Why?" he asked, his brows furrowing deeper. The doctor studied his worried expression before saying, "Based on my examination of her body and what you've said, I think she has anemia. But I can't be sure without testing her blood and running some other tests," she said. "For now, just make sure she stays hydrated, just in case she is anemic. Also, she's running a slight fever so make sure she doesn't overexert herself in the future. And--"

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