Secrets Told

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Taken aback, they both turned around to face the reporter quickly. They both had an uneasy expression on their faces. The reporter shrugged it off thinking the uneasiness was due to their rivalry with each other.

Both Kaia and Alex nodded begrudgingly and took a deep breath before smiling and posing for the camera. The reporter smiled happily, lifting the camera to her face before looking through the camera lens at them. "Step in a bit closer, please." Alex looked down at Kaia, then at the reporter before stepping a bit closer and placing his hand on her upper back. "This is as far as I can go. Otherwise, I think my wife would give me a beating when I get home," he said out loud with a grin. Kaia took a deep breath, clenching her jaw tightly. She hid it well behind her smile as the reporter took the picture. The reporter smiled letting the camera rest against her torso as she pulled out her notebook. "I didn't know you were married, Mr. Sabor." The reporter looked intrigued.

Alex grinned and moved away from Kaia, placing his index finger against his lips. "My wife doesn't wish to be recognized by the media, so I can't reveal a name." With that said, he excused himself before walking away. Kaia slowly breathed out the breath of air that she had unconsciously held in as she watched him go. The reporter refocused her attention onto Kaia, hoping to score another scoop. "Ms. Crestfall, would you happen to know?" Kaia blinked then stood up straight and put on her usual scowl as she shook her head. "Why would I know?" she replied, before walking away and leaving the reporter standing there almost dumbstruck. Those two had seemed close when she saw them from behind before. She shrugged it off and smiled proudly while looking at the picture she had just taken of the two rivals. "So Alexander Sabor is married. The most eligible bachelor is married! This will make headlines!" she grinned and moved on to take more pictures.

Kaia went to greet her parents, even though she didn't like the fact that they had brought Caine along.

After the auction, Kaia stayed behind with Annie to help her clean up. Her parents left with Caine, even though he was unwilling to go. Alex ended up staying behind to chat with Devin or at least that was his excuse.

"Annie, you made a lot of money tonight! Congrats!" Kaia exclaimed. Annie grinned as she folded up some of the chairs. "Well, don't tell mom and dad yet...but I'm pregnant!" Kaia blinked for a moment before her jaw dropped. "What?!?! Oh my goddddddd! Seriously?!? Congrats!!!" she congratulated and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck in a hug. "I'm so excited for you!" Annie smiled warmly and looked over at Devin with a soft sigh. "But the thing is...Devin is nervous..." she said softly while setting the chairs onto the chair rack.

Looking in that direction Kaia's gaze fell onto Alex. She bit her lip lightly before turning her head to Annie. "Annie I also have a can't tell anyone yet." Annie stopped after hearing this. She walked over and sat down on a chair pulling Kaia down to sit with her. Her older sibling senses were tingling. "You're not pregnant as well, are you?" she asked, her facial expression was riddled with worry lines. Kaia blanked out for a second before she quickly shook her head vigorously. "WHAT?! No! NO!!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her. "Nothing that extreme..." she said, scratching her temple before taking a deep breath. "Do you promise you won't say anything?" she asked, looking at her sister seriously. Annie paused for a moment to think about it before slowly nodding. "I promise, but it better not be something bad," she warned. Kaia reached into her small wallet before pulling out her wedding ring. "I'm actually...married!"

Annie was speechless as she stared at her little sister. "Wait! Mother and father just said that Caine guy was your fiance, not your husband," she said confused at the turn of events. Kaia smirked. "Not to that thing. I actually got married to someone else in secret. I will announce it at the right time," she said as she slipped on her wedding ring. Annie was still confused but smiled as she grabbed her sister's hand. "Well?" she questioned with growing anticipation. Kaia blinked for a second and without thinking looked behind her at Alex. "To him." Annie looked over at where Kaia was looking and saw Alex, she quickly looked back at Kaia. "TO ALEXANDER?!" she exclaimed loudly. The guys turned their heads to look at them. Kaia laughed and nodded before turning her gaze to meet Alex's. Kaia held up her hand, showing him her ring, indicating she had told Annie. Alex smiled knowingly and nodded before turning his head to explain things to Devin.

Alex left first. But he was secretly sitting in a private corner waiting for Kaia. When Kaia walked out while chatting away with Annie and Devin, she spotted the familiar company car from the corner of her eye. She hugged Annie and said goodbye, before walking over to the car and opening the door to get in.

Sitting in the car, Alex was watching her with a grin. Kaia closed the door before looking at him. "What?" she asked, reaching up to take her hair down. Alex told Zac to start driving before looking at Kaia once more. "One family member down," Alex stated, making Kaia smirk as she placed the bobby pins she pulled out of her hair into her lap. She nodded. "Yes, I know. Annie is trustworthy, so don't worry about anyone finding out." Alex nodded and looked at her figure before letting out a sigh. "You truly are breathtaking..." Hearing this, Kaia stopped and looked over at him. Her curly brown hair was cascading down to her shoulders. "Th--than--" Just as she was about to thank him, they turned a sharp corner making her tumble over onto Alex. Her left hand landed on his legs while her face landed on his chest. She should have worn her seat belt.

Kaia blinked slowly before lifting her head to see Alex's gaze on her. Their face was mere inches apart. Alex had his arms around her to keep her from falling any further. He shifted his arm, sliding it more around her waist and pulling her a bit closer. A blush was forming on her face. Feeling his touch and breath, Kaia couldn't move away. It was like she was in a trance. The closeness to this man reminded her so much of high school.

Leaning his head closer, Alex gently captured Kaia's lips with his own. Kaia let out a small breath just as their lips touched. Tasting the wine from his lips, it drew her deeper into the trancelike state she was in. They were married, so it wasn't wrong, right? And it wasn't like she was giving him her heart. Kaia blushed as she leaned in, deepening the kiss. Her right arm moved from the back of the seat and went behind his head burying her fingers in his soft hair.

Feeling her deepening the kiss, it excited Alex. He kissed her back more, closing the already non-existent gap between them as he gently and swiftly picked her up to straddle his lap. Once placed on his lap, Kaia leaned in, both of her hands trailing up his neck to the sides of his face as she nibbled on his lip. Alex, on the other hand, trailed his hands up her legs brushing her dress up slowly. His hands were teasing her thighs. Thankfully, the windows were tinted. Kaia pressed her body against his, her hands trailing back down his upper torso, tugging his tuxedo jacket off and throwing it to the side with his help, of course. Their kiss never broke as they did so. Soon her hands went down to the buttons of his undershirt. They only went halfway before they heard Zac clearing his throat. "U--Um, we've arrived at your residence, if you wish to continue I will get out of the car..." he said looking straight ahead, not daring to look in the rearview mirror.

Kaia pulled back with a deep blush. She quickly moved away from Alex's lap, stepping out of the car. Alex let out a sigh, resting his head on the back seat before looking up at Zac. "You could've just gone out without asking..." he muttered, as he buttoned his shirt.

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