The Proposal

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Kaia Crestfall is the youngest, as well as one of the most influential people in the entertainment industry--at least in the UK. She recently ascended to the position of CEO after graduating with a 4.0 GPA from a top graduate school university with a Masters in Business Administration at the age of twenty-three. She stood at a height of 5'6" with long wavy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes to match. Her figure is slender, and she fills out in all the right places. Many insisted that she should've been a model or an actor, but she didn't want to. She wanted to rule the industry, and so far, she did.

Even so, she didn't expect to be in this situation...

Crestfall Industries, currently led by Kaia Crestfall, had always been a leading business in the entertainment world. That was until a few years ago, when two families, the Crestfall's, and the Sabor's butted heads. After that, the Sabor's made it a goal to crush the Crestfall's and dominate the industry. Though they were close many times, Crestfall Industries remained on top with Sabor Sights just grazing the line with their sales and popularity. Kaia loved her company, so there was no way she'd let Sabor Sights rise above.

Sabor Sights was now run by the youngest in the main branch of the Sabor family, Alexander Sabor, who was known for being cold and ruthless. If you got in his way he would make you disappear--at least that's what the rumors say. He had indeed shut down a few businesses in the past because they started drama with his company. However, what most people didn't know was that it was merely a facade for work. Kaia knew based on their relationship in high school that he wasn't like what the rumors portrayed him as.

Kaia sat at her desk fumbling through her papers. Her company, Crestfall Industries, was so successful and well-respected that models from the company were on high demand; Thus Kaia decided to sign on and train three new models. She smiled as she signed a document before writing a note to hold an audition to find prospective new models.

Hearing a knock, Kaia looked up from her desk. As soon as she saw who it was, her face grew sour.

"What are you doing here Caine?"

With a smug look, Caine lazily leaned against the door frame. "Obviously I came to see my darling little fiancee."

Kaia swiftly stood up from her desk, grabbing a few papers and stuffing them into a folder. "You gave that up when you cheated. I don't have time to deal with you, so please show yourself out," she said curtly. She tried to stay calm, even though every nerve in her body was screaming to get as far away from him as possible. She didn't even want to be in the same room as him, much less breathe the same air as him.

On multiple occasions, she was struck--if not beaten--by this man. He always made sure to leave bruises in places that would be covered up. He came into the picture about two years ago and no matter how much she tried to resist, he always came back. She thought about seeking help many times but didn't want to worry those who truly cared about her.

Kaia slightly clenched the folder in her hands as she walked towards the door. But before she was able to walk past him, Caine slammed the door shut, angered by her words. He grabbed her arm roughly and shoved her against the wall. The papers that were in the folder now fluttered in a heap onto the floor.

No, not again!

She couldn't take it anymore. Kaia pressed her back against the wall of her office unwillingly. She hated this man with every fiber of her being. He was the man her parents were going to force her to marry for business purposes. She didn't like the idea of arranged marriages, but it was common among the upper class to marry just for connections, and Caine, of course, was the son of a well-known fashion company. He stood roughly six feet tall, with medium red hair that framed his face.

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