Botanic Gardens

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"Do you want a hamburger today?" Abby shook her head, "I will buy it for you, no worries!"

"I'm not hungry." Abby lied, she was famished, but was not going to admit that, last thing she needed was for Claire to be spending money on her.

Placing two hamburgers on her tray, Claire then reached for the juice, "I'm also getting you orange juice!"

"I'm not eating the hamburger and put back the juice, I don't want it!" Abby whispered to her friend.

Rolling her eyes, Claire let out an exasperated sigh, "Stop being embarrassed each time I buy you something!" She complained, "friends help each other!"

"I don't need help," Abby explained, "I have a lunch card!"

"But you can't buy the food you want to buy with that damn lunch card!" Claire said, "they restrict you!"

"I'll be fine!" Abby admitted, and walked to the register to hand her lunch card to the lunch lady.

They both headed to an empty table and sat down, at the same time, and Claire waited until Abby placed her tray on the table and then she took the hamburger and the juice and placed it on Abby's tray.

Abby threw a murderous look at Claire, "I don't want you to do that ever again!"

"And why not," asked Claire.

"I'm not poor, I can buy whatever I want if I wanted it!" Abby said firmly.

"I know Abby, but can't I treat my girlfriend once in a while!" Claire asked, not wanting Abby to feel bad that she had no money to buy hamburgers and orange juice. "You do so much for me and I want to give back something in return!"

"What exactly do I do for you?" Abby challenged.

"Being my loyal friend is more then enough!"

Abby rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything. She grabbed her hamburger and took a huge bite just as Steven walked up to their table and sat next to Abby. This was the first time he had done that, and Abby was surprised.

"Aren't you afraid they will see you and make fun of you for sitting with the clown girl?" Abby teased.

In answer, Steven leaned down and kissed her, and Abby nearly fell off her seat. She loved him so much that her stomach had turned to knots.

"Stop assuming I'm embarrassed by you," Steven told her, "I just wanted to protect you, but I know now that you can protect yourself. I heard about what happened at the game yesterday."

Embarrassed, Abby lowered her eyes to her plate.

Steven placed his hamburger down and turned to face Abby, "I will protect you Abby, I will never allow them to hurt you again!"

"I don't need your protection," Abby said in self defense, "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!"

"You're so lucky Abby," Claire added, "not only is your boyfriend gorgeous, but he loves and protects you too!"

Steven flashed a smile showing off his even white teeth, "Thank you for the compliment Claire."

It was at that moment that Jeff showed up, his jaw was clenched and his stormy eyes were threatening, as he sat himself down next to Claire.

Suddenly it was quiet at the table, Steven stole a glance at Abby, he hated the fact that Jeff had joined them at the table, but he had to remind himself that he was the intruder and not Jeff.

"You two want to come to Florida with us for spring break?" Claire asked. "Jeff and I are going for the entire week and we would love for you guys to join us."

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