Sleepless Nights

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It was another sleepless night, and when the sun ray's filtered through the ivory curtains, Abby relentlessly pulled herself out of bed and got dressed. Her clothes were wrinkled, but she didn't even notice, so distraught she was by her pain and suffering that she didn't even comb her hair.

Placing her glasses on her nose, Abby grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs. Quickly filling Gucci's bowls with water and food, and then she dashed to the door before her father came after her.

Her mother the day before worked a double shift and she will do the same today, so Abby will not come straight home after school today, she will find somewhere to go with Claire until her father falls asleep and it was safe to return home.

As soon as Abby pulled the back door shut she found Jeff waiting for her in the driveway. She plastered a fake smile on her face and walked over to his car.

She leaned her head inside the open window and said. "Hey."

Jeff saw her ruffled appearance, but didn't comment on it, instead he threw her a smile to die for, and she wondered why she couldn't love him instead of Steven.

"Good morning sunshine." He told her, "hop in!"

Abby didn't want to get in Jeff's car this morning, she was not in any kind of mood to hang out with him or any other person. She knew that she would not be comfortable and can at any minute break down in tears.

Jeff drove away heading to their favorite cafe, but after a few minutes of silence, concern was evident in his voice when he asked, "Are you ok?"

Nodding, Abby said, "Yes."

"You seem unhappy and distracted."

How well he knew her, she thought, "I'm fine really." She lied, "I just need coffee to wake me up."

The ride was less than five minutes, Jeff did not comment on her messy appearance and for that Abby was grateful, but the young adults in the coffee shop all stared at her with laughter in their eyes when she entered the shop and walked by them.

Ignoring them she sat herself down and a few minutes later Jeff joined her with two lattes in his hands.

"This might help you." He told her as he placed her latte in front of her, and sat himself down opposite her. "I'm all ears if you want to vent Abby."

Releasing a frustrated sigh, she sipped her latte and looked at him. He was worried for her, it was written in his beautiful eyes.

"There's nothing to tell," she lied, "I'm just tired of stuff, I have two exams today and it's important I keep my grades above average. I need that scholarship Jeff, without that I won't be able to go to college, you know that."

"You are very smart Abby, I'm not worried about you," Jeff told her, "you have scored the top five in the school!"

In that moment Claire showed up and she didn't look too happy. Claire's eyes danced back and forth from Jeff to Abby a few times, "Thanks for the invite." She snapped, "I mean, is there something going on that I should know about?"

"You're funny Claire," Abby laughed nervously, "come on sit with us!"

Claire hesitated at first, her feelings were hurt because this is the second time she found them together. They seemed nice and cozy at the coffee shop with out inviting her. When she finally sat down, Jeff automatically lifted himself to his feet and went to buy her a latte.

Turning to face Abby, Claire asked, "What's going on Abby you look a mess!"

Claire's mouth dropped open when she witnessed the look on Abby's face, "I'm scared!" Abby confessed.

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