Unbearable Pain

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Abby hadn't even taken her  clothes off when she received a text message, she ran to her bed and picked up her iphone and smiled. It was him.

{ Did you miss me?}


{Not even a tiny bit?}

{No not even a tiny bit!} she laughed out loud, and cradled the iPhone against her chest, she was so happy.

{I'll be thinking of you tonight.}

Abby imagined him touching his private part while he was thinking of her and suddenly she was on fire.

{Good night Steven.}

{Good night.}

Abby turned off the lamp, and climbed in her bed after she undressed, put on her pajamas, and brushed her teeth. She pulled the simple blanket up to her chest and closed her eyes.

There was a smile on her face as she drifted off to sleep.


Steven tossed and turned all night, he couldn't stop thinking of her. He tried very hard to resist the temptation to whack off, but in the end it was impossible for him to do so.

The image of her in her bra and laced panties, drove him to near madness. He closed his eyes and his hand glided below the covers and he wrapped his hand around his thick cock. It was either this or staying awake all night driving himself to madness.

Right before he drifted off to sleep, peace settled within him, and he smiled and closed his eyes.


When her iPhone rang loud and clear, Abby's eyes flew open and she bolted upright in bed and grabbed her phone. Her shoulders dropped when she saw that it was Jeff calling her and not Steven.


Jeff heard disappointment in her voice, but chose to ignore it, "Hello beautiful."

"Why are you calling so early in the morning!" Abby complained.

Jeff laughed, "You're kidding right?" He asked, "it's noon, don't tell me you're still sleeping!"

Throwing a quick glance at her alarm clock on the nightstand, Abby groaned, "Actually yes, I was sleeping."

"How fast can you be ready, I want to take you out to lunch!" He told her, "there's a few things we need to discuss."

The last thing she wanted to do is to spend time with Jeff and have a conversation with him. "Some other time perhaps, I'm really not good company now, I'm still half asleep Jeff."

Jeff ignored her words , "I'll be outside in ten minutes" he told her, "don't be late!"

Before Abby could decline his offer again, Jeff had ended the call and Abby stared at the iPhone in her hand without blinking.

"What the hell!" She yelled, and dragged herself out of bed.

She changed into her clothes and slipped on her gym shoes, brushed her teeth and combed her hair and rushed down the stairs. Filling Cucci's bowls with food and water, Abby then looked out the window only to find Jeff waiting for her in his car out in the driveway.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, Abby grabbed her purse and keys and left the house. She placed her keys inside her purse and pulled open the car door, without saying a word, she got in and shut the door.

Jeff threw her a glance and smiled, he knew that she was feeling grouchy, but he didn't care, just being with her was enough. He backed out of her driveway and headed towards Touhy ave.

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