Author Foreword

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Dear Flowers,

Welcome to my new story!

It's been a hot minute since I posted to Wattpad and I want to both apologise and thank you all. Sorry for my absence, and thank you for waiting so patiently for me to start a new project here.

I've dabbled on other platforms but I want to place my focus back on Wattpad right now, which is why this story has been written for you!

This story is rated as MATURE, so if you've not read the full description, please go back and view the content warnings before you proceed. This is an adult book and very sexually graphic, therefore it's unlikely to be suited to young readers.

I DO NOT recommend or promote this story to anyone under 18 years old.

Please remember to like, add to reading lists, vote, and leave comments if you want. I love reading all the notes you guys read on my stories, and I'm always open to any mistakes being flagged so that I can learn and improve.

As always, this story is exclusive to W A T T P A D. If you find it on another site then you've found an illegal copy of my story. By reading said story on another site, you and the uploaders are in breach of piracy laws. 

All copyright is held by me, Clarissa North, and has been since the initial upload date of this story on my WP profile.

I only have profiles on W A T T P A D and Radish, so if you're finding my account and work elsewhere, please contact me so that I can send a DMCA to that site.

Please note that Truyen and NovelHD are illegal sites and riddled with viruses and malware that can damage your computer. I don't recommend that you click onto this site. You will put your cyber security at risk, and all works therein are stolen from creators.

NovelHD are also altering author notes before uploading stories onto their sites. If you compare, you will see that this version of the note has an upload date ahead of that on any other site it appears on.

If you are one of the thieves from Truyen and NovelHD, the authors of W A T T P A D are entirely aware of your actions and organising to take legal action. I recommend that you take down stolen works.

I do not and never will endorse the theft of the hard work of myself or my fellow authors. Writing stories takes years of education, practice, and we put a piece of our hearts and souls into everything we write.

Mirror sites and thieves are not worthy of your attention.

If I ever join another platform then I will inform you of that, but remember that I can only be found here on W A T T P A D and on Radish.

I'm sorry to put this kind of a note ahead of my story, but as long as there are people like NovelHD and Truyen out there, this problem will persist.

I'm grateful for all you true readers and thank you again for supporting me on WP, where my work is legally posted and copyrighted.

Much love,

Clarissa North

Clarissa North

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