Chapter 3

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The weekend flies by way too fast.

The only notable event of Saturday was that we bumped into Noah at the bars again. Him and I danced all night. His friend Julian danced with Keels. It was a lot of fun.

We've started a group chat and already have plans to meet up again this Saturday.

As the cycle continues, we are already back to Thursday night. I take a drink out my copper mug and finish my introduction assignment for class tomorrow.

I don't mind stirring the pot, but my parents told me to follow all the rules and blend in.

So, my introduction is boring and not too controversial. Let's just hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as the first lecture did.


"Use the basement to get in the cellar," my mom shrieks as the pounding on the door gets louder.

I do as I'm told and lock myself underground.

"Where is she Dave?" I hear a voice demand.

"We've sent her away," my dad easily lies.

"To your little program. I don't think so, we can smell her," the voice argues.

"You are not allowed in this house or to smell what's in this house," my dad yells.

"Her scent is different; we can sense it. It is only a matter of time," the man declares.


I wake up in sweat, my heart racing.

"Shit," I mutter as I stumble my way into the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and then walk to the kitchen to grab water.

I sit on the kitchen floor, now shivering at the memory. I try to focus on breathing. I try to name five objects I can see, but I am seeing black spots. I crawl to the freezer and pull out frozen peas to lay on my chest. I lay down right there on the kitchen floor and let my panic attack take over as I fade back into the darkness.

RING RING RING, my phone screams at me.

I groan as I look around my kitchen. How long have I been passed out on the tile?

I make my way to my phone and answer it quickly.

"Hi mom," I yawn.

"Happy Friday, sweetie," my mom cheerfully replies.

"Fridays aren't happy anymore," I mock while going into the bathroom to comb my hair.

"Oh honey, do you remember the plan. If anything were to happen?" she coolly replies.

"Of course," I mutter, it's only been ingrained into my head for the past decade.

"I would like for you to come home this weekend. Just to refresh your memory," she requests.

"This weekend as in today?" I confirm.

"Yes, why not?" she questions.

"It's just short notice," I say while putting her on speaker so I can change. I pull on my olive-green leggings and a cropped tan sweatshirt.

"Bring Keels with you," she suggests.

"Okay, I will pack after class," I reply. Keels is not going to happy we have to cancel with Noah and Julian.

"Perfect," she cheers, pulling me out of my thought.

"I have to go mom, I'm going to be late," I hurry.

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