Chapter 2

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BEEP BEEP BEEP, my alarm blares.

"Shut up," I groan while reaching for my phone. 7:00 in the morning, our lecture starts at 9:00.

I groggily roll out of bed and start to get ready; these lectures better go by fast.

I walk out of my unit right as Keelie walks out of hers.

"Leggings is the look," she remarks while looking at our legging sweatshirt combos we have both picked out for the day.

"On Fridays we wear leggings," I laugh while swinging my backpack on and locking my door.

"How did you sleep?" she asks.

"I think I got a solid 5 hours," I tell her as we walk down the stairs and out of our building.

"We should get Starbs," she suggests while turning in the direction of campus.

"Leggings and Starbs Fridays," I agree while nodding my head making her laugh. I look into her pale blue eyes for a moment and my breath halters.

"You good?" she replies as she opens the door for me.

"Just feeling on edge," I describe, but I can't really put it to words.

"You're hungover," she laughs as we get in line for Starbucks.

Once our ice coffees are secured, we head to the lecture hall.

"Keelie, Kaydence!" our friend from high school, Adriana calls. Her mate, Thomas in tow.

"Are you two in this class?" I ask.

"Yes, we are," she smiles.

"Wow, but don't you guys already know the material," I joke with her.

"Kaydence, Keelie," Thomas nods, his hazel eyes boring into mine. Thomas freaks me out. Not only is he one of them, but he has brainwashed Adriana. He always finds me so humorous, yet I don't know what the joke is.

"Well let's go in and get a seat I am ready to take my nap," I say to no one in particular and head into the large lecture hall.

Keels sits to my left and Adriana sits next to her and of course Thomas is next to her. Thomas basically controls her. He never lets her go anywhere or do anything without him.

I catch the eye of Noah, a guy I met at the bars last night. He gives me a small wave and I do the same back.

"Oh, bar Noah," Keels calls while waving to him as well. He silently chuckles and waves back to her.

I lean my head back and shut my eyes waiting for the torture to end.

When werewolves first announced their existence and were finding their mates, no one left their house.

After a while we had to get back to normal. We thought if we didn't look at them, they couldn't claim us, some people went as far as blinding themselves. However, the werewolves explained it was more a feeling and if they smelled their mate they would know.

I still think if I keep my eyes shut and down, I could avoid any situation I was thrown into. Or at least that's how I comfort myself when the panic of being here in this room strikes.

"Hello everyone," a voice commands making me open my eyes and look down towards to the podium.

"My name is Rowan. I am the Beta of the Starlight Pack. His eyes move around the room and fall to me. It's a subtle movement, but he tilts his head and looks at me questionably, or maybe curiously? I quickly look down and pretend to be typing notes on my laptop. When I glance up again, he has already moved his eyes to someone new.

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