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"Does your hand still hurt?" He asked mainly because the silence in the car was uncomfortable. She had been looking out the window ever since she entered, avoiding his stare and pretending like he never existed.

"I'm fine now, Thank you." She still didn't turn her attention away from the boring night.

"Okay," he said softly. His face, impassive and without emotion. He stole a look at her one more time before concentrating on the road.

Throughout the ride, his knuckles didn't didn't loosen themselves around the wheel.

Few minutes later, she still sat, staring out of the window in thoughts while his car was no longer moving.

"Miss Kennedy," she hummed in response and slowly dragged her attention away from the night to stare at him. "We are at your house." He said to her.

She looked around in shock, she must have been seriously consumed by her thoughts not to notice this on time.

"Oh," she muttered. Grabbing her bag to leave, she froze when she felt cold hands against hers. Her once steady breath hitched in her throat at the contact.

She stared up at him instantly but he failed to meet her stare.

"Sir, i-"

"Are you happy?" Those three words caused silence for sometime. He found this as a cause to turn to her. "Are you happy Thea? You sure have moved on pretty well." He told her.

She swallowed then said, "Yes, I am happy. I am very happy in fact." She nodded agreeing with herself mostly. When she raised her eyes once more, she met his already staring at her as his expression mirrored an emotion she couldn't decipher.

He nodded seconds later. "That's good then, I wanted to make sure you have so I won't hurt anybody's feelings on the day of the ceremony." He said. "I want it to be perfect Thea. My Fiancée is flying over and I already asked her to attend."

Thea gripped her skirt tightly. Jealousy slipping into her features easily and he could tell that emotion anywhere. So she did still love him or was what he saw a fragment of his imagination?

"It's already going along well Sir. I don't think it's proper for me to ruin such an important occasion. Thank you for the ride sir and please next time, I'll just walk." She said before exiting the car immediately.

He watched her open her door with her keys before slamming it shut to shield herself of his sight. Watching her as she moved around her apartment, he saw the light in the living room on and then it went off again. His jaw tighten in anger and he immediately drove out of view.

She watched him from her window as he was just getting out of sight. His car sped away from her residence and immediately his words started sinking in.

"...My Fiancée is flying over, I already asked her to attend."

She gripped the necklace from her neck and threw it to the floor. Tears streaming down her face. Why couldn't she move on? What she planned for herself wasn't happening, why?!

She was supposed to be over him by now but he always manages to remind her and shove it in her face what she is missing. Ashton had really moved on from her easily. Why can't she?!

She screamed in pain and regret. Why should love be so hard?

Ashton slowly packed by the road when he couldn't handle it any longer. He combed his hair in frustration before hitting the wheel once,

Then twice,

He was reminded of the hurt that crossed her features when he told her of his brilliant idea to invite his Fiancée. He cursed in frustration.

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