10. Day 4 - Love is about Care

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It was around, one in the night, there was a pin drop silence in the couple's room, Abhay suddenly felt a little cold because of which his sleep got disturbed. He started squirming in his sleep, he wrapped the comforter around his body firmly and tried to sleep again but after stirring in his bed for around ten minutes he finally gave up.

Abhay sighed and moved his body in the sitting posture. He moved his head towards his wife and saw her sleeping soundly. Even in the dark room he could still figure out the tiny pout on her lips, the way she was clinging on her pillow deeply. These were some of Anusha's sleeping habits which had always melted Abhay's heart.

However there was something else which made him frown. Anusha's body was shivering a bit, and there were droplet of sweats on her forehead. Abhay quickly moved towards Anusha and kept his hand on her forehead to check her temperature and was stunned to see that Anusha was burning with fever.

"Anusha? Anusha are you awake?" Abhay whispered in concern when he saw that she was mumbling something but her eyes were still closed indicating that she was still asleep but because of fever she was mumbling unconsciously.

Abhay hurriedly moved towards the glass table which was placed in the center of the room. He took a container lying on the glass table, brought the container to the washroom and filled it with water. Abhay placed the container filled with water on their bed and brought a cloth which he could wrap on Anusha's head to bring her high temperature down.

Abhay dipped the cloth inside the container filled with water and after squeezing the entire water from the cloth, he laid that piece of cloth on Anusha's head. Abhay pulled the comforter till her shoulders, and kept on whispering soothing words.

"Don't worry Anusha you'll get better soon, I am there with you. I'll take care of you."

Abhay kept the cold cloth on her forehead for around ten minutes and continued the same action multiple times. He was extremely worried for his wife and wanted to bring her fever down so that she feels at ease.

Abhay sat comfortably besides Anusha, however was continuously on pin and needles. He was constantly staring at his wife with concern. It was about fifteen minutes later he heard Anusha mumbling something again.

"Anusha are you okay? Do you need something?" Abhay inquired anxiously to which he got no response.

Abhay finally decided to carefully concentrate on what his wife was mumbling so that he could decipher what she required.

Abhay brought his ears down to the level of his wife's lips, so that he could hear her properly but was confused when he heard her uttering "Why?"

Abhay raised his brows when he was not able to understand what Anusha was indicating.

"Why did you do it.? I--I hate you." Anusha continued to mumble and she kept on shivering. Abhay was startled to hear the words coming out of her mouth. With passing minute he was getting more confused.

"Is she thinking about her parents." Abhay uttered to himself. His attention again went towards his wife's health and therefore he continued to put the cold cloth on her forehead as her temperature was not going down making him frightened.

Abhay decided to search for some medicines in his bag and was about to move his body from the bed when he heard Anusha rambling again.

"Why did you leave me? Why--did you--, I---missed you. Why did you leave me." To say Abhay felt like breaking down would be an understatement.  He didn't want to reach to any conclusion but he was confused as to whom Anusha was referring to. Was she referring to her parents but he felt like there was a deeper meaning behind those words. However Abhay decided to let go of that thought even though he was feeling uneasy because his priority was Anusha's health and not his poor insecurities.

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