7. Day 1- Love is about Respect

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Abhay came out of the restroom while drying his wet hairs, he laid his eyes on Anusha who was standing in the balcony. He sauntered towards his wife and whispered, "You can go and change in some comfortable clothes, the washroom is vacant now. If you want I can leave the room for a while too, so that you can change and be comfortable. In the meantime I'll give the order for our dinner."

Abhay turned towards the main door however came to a halt when he heard Anusha chuckling.

"What are you trying to do huh?" Anusha inquired furiously.

"What are you saying Anusha?" Abhay replied back unable to comprehend Anusha's sudden question.

"I am saying Mr Abhay Gupta that stop trying to impress me and stop trying to show your fake concern and fake respect. Stop this act of going out of the room to give me privacy, or to book dinner for us. Stop it! Stop acting like everything is fine!" Anusha yelled.

"So what do you want me to do huh?" Abhay fired back with a determined voice.

"You think I am trying to impress you? You think that my concern for you is fake really? Mrs Anusha Gupta nobody can fake it for too long. If you lay a little more attention around your self then you would realise that from the past 6 months I am trying to take care of you without you noticing it because if you find me doing something for you then you would have called it as fake.

Genuine concern and respect can never be fake Anusha, and the truth is that in reality you don't know what Respect, and concern is." Abhay voiced out his opinion with the thought of making Anusha realise his perspective.

Anusha was stunned for a second and was not able to respond to Abhay's statement because deep inside her heart she knew Abhay was right.

Abhay sighed, and went outside the room without uttering any other word.

It was half an hour later and Abhay still had not returned back to his hotel room on the other hand Anusha had freshen up and was sitting on the wooden chair which she had placed in the balcony. Her mind was pondering over multiple thoughts and mainly those thoughts were about Abhay.

Anusha was in deep thoughts when she heard a Knock on the door, she hurriedly stood up and made her way towards the main door. Anusha unlocked the door and to her extreme disappointment it was not Abhay but it was room service.

"Good Evening Ma'am, your husband had ordered food for you both, I'll just put the dinner on the table nearby." The staff said to which Anusha nodded and made some space for him to enter inside.

After putting the dinner, the staff bowed respectfully and left the room leaving Anusha in deep silence. She made her way towards the table, and opened the lid of first dish, she was stunned to see that Abhay had ordered her favourite dish, Anusha opened the lid of second bowl as well and again she was astonished to see that all the dishes which were ordered were as per her taste and preferences.

Unknowingly little tears welled up in her eyes, she suddenly felt a wave of anxiousness hit her. Anusha stood on her feet and made her way out of their hotel room in search of Abhay.

Anusha kept on walking mindlessly, with just one aim and that was to find Abhay. She kept on sauntering on the third floor when an obnoxious voice made her stop in her way. She spotted two people who apparently were looking like a newly married couple, the couple was arguing and the man was trying to manhandle his wife. Anusha couldn't stop her legs and she ambled towards the unknown couple.

"Hey! Mr why are you yelling at your wife huh? Look you are creating an unnecessary scene over here and it is a public place, not your home so kindly stop it." Anusha stated firmly.

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