4. A Much Needed Talk

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A Quick update before the scheduled day, because everyone was requesting a new chapter and I couldn't hold anymore. Hehehe 👀



Abhay's rationality was breaking down passing every second, all his pent up pain, frustration, anger and helplessness forced him to yell in front of everyone. Firstly he was cursing at himself for Anusha's situation and secondly the entire chaos in his family was making his head ache.

He knew whatever happened with Anusha was not her fault however still she could have been cautious when she was told about it. Abhay's mind was only wondering over the scenario that what could have happened if Abhay was not there on time to protect his wife. He was aware of this fact and was pretty much now used to it that his relation with Anusha was nowhere near like any other husband or wife but the fact that she was not even trying to be cordial with him was breaking his patience.

"Were you even thinking straight Anusha? Why were you late today when you were advised to be careful while returning back. Is it because you wanted to satisfy your self esteem and prove me that you can take care of yourself and manage everything on your own or did your ego wanted to prove that it's me who is wrong and I should neither suggest nor advise anything to you even if it's for your own betterment because at the end of the day you are going to ignore me and only think about yourself."

"Do you even know what's the time right now? You didn't even bother to notify us about your whereabouts, anything could have happened to you if I would have not been there at time. Can you imagine that a mere thought of you being hurt is bringing shivers down my spine but the worst part of it is that you don't want to understand my perspective. Do you even know how I felt when I saw you crying and trying to freed yourself in their disgusting hold.

Actually the truth is that you don't wanna know anything neither you care about anyone's feeling nor you want to care. Why are you like this Anusha? Neither you take care of yourself nor you want me to take care of yourself. Neither you appreciate our relation nor you want me to appreciate our relationship. If you are so tired of everything, then why don't we break it off."

Abhay yelled ignoring the tears forming in Anusha's eyes. He sighed and was not able to see his wife shedding tears therefore he dashed inside his room leaving all the members and Anusha in deep thoughts.

For the very first time Anusha had actually heard Abhay speaking with her for so long because she had never given him that opportunity to strike a conversation between them as she was never interested to do it herself. In that moment she realised that it was not only her who was getting hurt rather she was causing pain and misery for other's also.

"Umm--Rohan and Karan go and check Abhay and make sure to take something for him to eat from the kitchen." Mrs Gupta whispered while trying to handle the situation at her place. She also whispered to her husband to go and speak to their elder son.

While on the other hand she took Anusha in her room and prepared a tray of food for her as well. Anusha was curled up like a bear in Mrs Gupta's bed sobbing lightly.

"Anusha Beta(Child) stop crying, I know Abhay was a bit loud towards you but he only cares about your well being my child."

As soon as those words left her mouth Anusha started wailing loudly. She was unable to comprehend as to why she was even crying, why the thought of Abhay being angry with her was affecting her so much.

"Mom" Anusha hiccuped. "He is angery with me, I--I don't know, I--I was so frustrated, I--I know I was wrong to ignore his warnings, but I don't know anything, I feel so confused."

Anusha couldn't even complete her sentence and again started crying loudly like a toddler.

"Don't cry my dear, please you are my precious daughter so don't stress yourself and listen to me carefully okay?" Mrs Gupta said and pulled Anusha in her tender embrace.

"Anusha my child do you even realise how much respect, adoration and love Abhay holds for you because I am sorry but I think you are not aware about it completely. I am not going to lecture you and praise my son in front of you rather as a women I am going to share with you that--my lovely daughter love is something very precious and those who get true love from their partners are very lucky. Do you wanna know a secret?" Mrs Gupta said while reminscing her past which no longer effected her. Anusha nodded, while looking at her mother in law curiously.

"There was someone else whom I loved a lot and that someone was not your father in law." Mrs Gupta said making Anusha stupefied.

"There was a guy whom I loved dearly. He was from my college itself and we both used to be the most popular couple of our college however one day when I asked him to marry me he clearly declined stating that he has some career goals to achieve and marriage is not his cup of tea, I was disheartened and my mind was haywire, I didn't know what to do, he broke up with me leaving me on my own terms and the next day when I reached my college I saw him flirting with someone else, that day I realised that it was time for me to move on as well. Sometimes people we think are the appropriate one's for us are not actually made for us. After few months my parents had set up my marriage with my Abhay's father, however I made sure to have a conversation with him before our marriage was finalized regarding my past so that no insecurity or no lie could destroy our future happiness and trust me when I say that marrying Mr Gupta was my best decision." Mrs Gupta spoke with a tender smile on her face making Anusha overwhelmed.

"Anusha my precious chid, I just wanted to make you understand that only love is not sufficient in any relationship but understanding, having that compatibility with your partner, providing support and respect to your partner is also necessary. Any relation is a simple thing when there is communication however when there is no communication we tend to complicate things. If you want your relationship to work then you need to have a proper communication with Abhay and trust me he will listen to you very patiently but I am just afraid that how long he would be able to withstand his patience." Mrs Gupta completed and saw Anusha looking at her in confusion.

"I mean if you want to save your relation then you need to buckle up because there is always a limit for every person. I am not saying this as Abhay's mother but I am saying this as a woman who can understand you and would want you to enjoy this blisful feeling called Love." Mrs Gupta uttered with a smile. She took a pause and continued again.

"Anusha lastly as Abhay's mother, I want you to understand that love is not about infatuation but love is about patience strength and that courage to go to any extent for your partner. Abhay is also doing the same, he is showing that patience which is required in your relationship, he is going through that struggle which is formed in your relationship because of lack of communication so that's why you need to do something for yourself and for Abhay. It's upto you either give Abhay a chance for yourself because you deserve all the love in this world or give Abhay a chance to feel that love which probably he is not able to get from you." Mrs Gupta said seriously making Anusha gasp. She let that sentence sinked in her mind and heart and was stunned when she couldn't bare the thought of sharing Abhay's care and love with someone else .


Hey Guys 🌸

•Finally the most important chapter of this book just like the most important aspect in Marriage. Which is communication. In any relation whether it is friendship, marriage or any professional relationship there has to be a proper communication otherwise that relation will fail. What's your take on it Guys.

• Any first impression of Mrs Gupta? Did you Guys expected any flashback story of Mrs Gupta?👀

Till then
See Ya

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