Chapter 18: "He's Not Little!"

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Disclaimer: Get ready for some sexy times. :D

I was waiting for Davis to freak out any minute after he'd pronounced we were boyfriends, but it didn't come. If anything, he seemed to be calmer and more content than usual. His smile was as blinding (and annoying) as ever.

He elbowed me. "Are you daydreaming again?"

Jesus, what was wrong with me?

We had decided to go to the beach, well, his friends decided, and Jem and I tagged along. Emma was there and I had a feeling that she and Jem got along really well. Davis' soccer buddies weren't too brilliant, but if I was to be his boyfriend, I had to accept them as well, so all in all, I was happy. Ish.

Not to mention, Davis in swim trunks... my god. I was ready to die happy.

"I am not daydreaming, thank you very much. I am solving extremely complicated math equations in my head."

He snorted, chugging his beer, looking out at his friends playing volleyball in the sand. We were sitting on a piece of wood and talking because apparently, we could not stop doing that.

Wherever the fuck we were.

"You wanna know what I'm thinking about?" he asked, smirking.

"Isn't that such a girl question to ask?"

"Tsk tsk. Stereotyping again, I see. Well, since you won't ask me, I'll just tell you that I'm thinking about those swim trunks of yours."

Blood rushed to my face. I tried to hide it by drinking from my stale beer. "Mmm, I was thinking about yours, too."


I laughed. "Now who sounds like a girl?"

He licked his lips, looking closely at my face. He leaned in to whisper, "I was thinking about slipping it off you, about tasting you."

Holy. Shit.

"Good straight boys don't usually have such deviant gay thoughts."

"Good straight boys obviously haven't met you."

"Shit," I cursed, leaning away from him. "Stop or we'll have a little problem on our hands. You know, of the saluting kind."

He barked a laughter. "Your little soldier saluting someone?"

"He's not little!"

"I heard little, anyone else hear little?"

I shook my head at the shameless way he was flirting, even though technically, nobody was listening close enough to understand what it was. As far as his friends were concerned, we were just talking. Just friends.

Friends who had boners for each other.

"Jamie," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "I want–"

That's when someone hit the gong – aka that big bell thing people hit when they wanted to announce something or just mess with everyone – and suddenly, the whole beach was flooded with half-naked girls. I mean, they had bathing suits on, but they were so skimpy, some were like napkins.

I stared at a whole lot of skin showing. And felt my dick shrinking back into my body.

Davis laughed. "Saved by the invasion of the titties."

I glared at him. "I suppose you have other options now."

"Keep talking like that, sweetheart, and I'll take your ass behind those bushes over there and spank it silly."

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