Chapter 14: "I Don't Know Who I Am Anymore"

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Later that night, I heard loud music. Right next to us. It was coming from Davis' room, and I really didn't want to think about him having a party without me. Then again, we weren't together, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Looking for something to do, I called Jem.

"Hey, you."

"Hey, Jem."

"Why do you sound like someone kicked your puppy?"

"I don't sound like that."

"Come on, it's me, dummy. What happened?"

"Why don't we talk about you?"

"Nice try, but I'm not hanging up until you tell me. Is it Davis?"

"Not everything is about him, you know."

She snorted. "Okay, keep telling yourself that, and I'll just wait for you to come back to reality."

"Ugh! I hate this. Fine... he's having a party."

"Aww, and he didn't invite you?"

"Shut up, witch."

She laughed. "You know I love you, but you're such a drama queen. Why don't you go and check it out?"

"Uninvited? No way!"

"Uhh, I'm pretty sure when there's a party, everyone's invited."

"That wasn't in the campus manual."

Jem snorted. "Okay geek, now tell me why you're all pouty. It can't be just because Davis does one thing without you, for once, like since I've known you both. Do you know people think you're brothers? Or conjoined twins. Maybe some space would be good for you, babe."

"Shit, you're right."

"I know I am," she said. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, and..."


"God, we made out, okay?"


"Are you there, Jem? Did you fall in a toilet bowl or something?"

"Wow, I did not expect you to say that."


"Because Davis is supposed to be straight... but then again, I don't think the usual rules of physics work around James Dwyer."

I snorted. "Yeah, right."

Just then a ping sounded. I looked at the phone, confused.

It was a text.

Cme on ovr, wer drnkingg. Got ber.


"What happened?"

"Jesus, it's a text from Davis, and I think he's drunk."

"What does it say?"

"That he wants me to go. There's a party and there's beer."

"See? And you worried for nothing. I'll have to start racking up a therapy bill for you if you keep coming to me with these earth-shattering non-existent dilemmas of yours."

"Uh-huh," I said dryly. "Do you think I should go?"

"Why the hell not! Go get some!"

"Jem, there's people there. If Davis is drunk, he might do something stupid and then regret it later. I don't want to be responsible for that."

"Then don't let him be stupid. Just go be his friend. If he's drunk, he might be going through something. He might need you."

"He has other friends."

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