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On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, Lyndy say silently in the Gryffindor common room, her mind overthinking everything that's gone wrong in the year

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On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, Lyndy say silently in the Gryffindor common room, her mind overthinking everything that's gone wrong in the year. Having scanned the same sentence over and over again to the point she could recite it word for word. Her body was pressed against Harry's aside as he read over his own book, every so often looking at the girl who wore his black jumper and the way her eyes moved so quickly. He too kept thinking about the same things.

First there had been the dementors on the train and at the Quidditch pitch. The boggart in defence with Remus and Sirius as teachers, leading Harry to see another dementor and Lyndy to see William. The whole ordeal with Malfoy getting Buck-Beak sentenced to death. And the true icing on top of the cake was when Peter broke into the castle and no one could find him.

"It's time," Hermione said as she looked at her watch, the four jumping up and heading to the courtyard, all wanting to be there for the man that always seemed to do his best to protect them from harm while at the school.

Only they were late, Draco Malfoy and his goons stood by a cemented wall, laughing at the large bird and the saddened man. Hermione in all her rage ran forward and planting her wand his neck.

"Hermione, he's not worth it," Ron said as he stood a few feet behind the girl.

"Shut up Ron," Lyndy said back as she hit his arm, "you go queen, I got your back."

Hermione turned around but didn't walk too far away before she spun back, punching him in the nose and giving a satisfied smile as she listened to the bone crack and watched him run away, "that felt good."

"Not good, brilliant."

Lyndy smiled and skipped forward wrapping her arm around the girls and moving forward until they made it down to Hagrid hut. The three stood away as Harry talked with the man for a few moments, trying his hardest to do something rather than sit around and watch. But there was nothing to be done, they were forced out of the house and watched as the axe was brought down.

Hermione latched onto Ron, tears falling from the corners of her eyes and Lyndy didn't have the heart to watch having already hidden her face in the crook of Harry's neck, not coming out until Ron's voice rung through her ears.

"Ow, it bit me. My new rat but me."

The rat started running towards the whopping willow, and Ron chased after and finally managing to catch him. However he was not expecting a big black dog to come out of nowhere having cased after it, grabbing him in the process by the ankle and taking him down a hole in the tree.

"Dad?" Lyndy asked her head tilted to the side, "what in the actual fuck just happened?"

"Like we should now!"

Lyndy shrugged running forward and falling down the hole as well. Harry and Hermione had a rougher time making it though, leaving them farther behind their two friends and ran in just as Peter Pettigrew went from Ron's new rat, to Peter Pettigrew himself.

"I knew it," Remus said, "I knew it even since Ron told me about his knew rat, since Harry showed me the map with your name on it, I knew it."

Peter rolled his eyes in response, "congratulations Moony your still the know it all, right next to Evans."

"Talk about my wife Pettigrew, I dare you," James said walking forward.

"None of you are actually going to do anything, unless of course it's Sirius but even then he had to be under the influence of the imperious curse. None of you could ever do what's right."

"You think this is right?!" Sirius said, stepping forward, "killing people because of their blood, killing people you once viewed as friends."

"None of you were ever my friends! I was the outcast, I stood by you all and made you all look better! None of you ever even cared that I was gone for long periods of time, you never even noticed! Why am I supposed to care about any of you, when you never cared about me?!"



The four kids looked to one another not knowing what to say or what to do in this situation. Everything was very intense and personal but everyone was silenced once more after what James had to say.

"Your right Peter, none of us will kill you, but your wrong that we never cared about you because we did. But we don't anymore, and that's why this time, I'm going to tell them to kill you in Azkaban."

Peters eyes widened at James's words, at the sincerity in his voice. And that shock stayed on his face as James cast a spell that paralyzed him and made him fall hard onto his back.

"Get Ron to the infirmary you three, this something we need to deal with," Remus spoke and no one was up for debate, they listened walking off and wondering how after three years of being at this school, they spent every single one with near death experiences.

Ron and Hermione walked ahead, the girl helping him over to a bed in the infirmary and sitting next to him as Madam Pomfrey begun tending to the wound. Harry went to follow but Lyndy held him back taking a deep breathe in as she looked at him.

"I need to ask you something."

Harry nodded, turning to face her and watching her cheeks tint a light pink and her eyes look to the floor as she smiled. He moved to stand in front of her as he smiled back at her, a rush of butterflies flying through both their stomachs.

"Would you want to go on a date with me?"

Harry's smile broke loose. He had waited just like she asked for her to be ready, he had waited so long and stopped asking her out everyday to the point where they didn't hate each other but could be friends and in that time he fell harder, she warmed up to the possibility of him and it only seemed fair that she give him a chance.

"Yeah, yeah I'd really like that," he said trying to keep his excitement in.

Lyndy smiled in response, "but can we keep it a secret for know, I don't want anyone else knowing until we know what's happening."

"Yeah sure." Harry replied trying his best not to sound disappointed but it was soon forgotten as she kissed his cheek before walking over to Ron and Hermione.

Let's just say third year was slightly bitter but it had a sweet ending.

Ahhh cheesy ending, and I'm sorry but I had too.

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