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Being young is about making mistakes and learning from them, but understanding that truth is a lesson in it's self

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Being young is about making mistakes and learning from them, but understanding that truth is a lesson in it's self. And it's one Lyndy had yet to learn. Currently she believed making mistakes was on the same plain field as committing a crime. She strived to be perfection, an unrealistic goal that would crash down on her. But she would learn.

"Look at me." Sirius spoke in his serious dad voice as Lyndy liked to call it. "There will be no boys until after you graduate. Trust me, you don't want them, I know I was one of them."

"I feel like I'd be a better judge of character."

Sirius rose his eye brows placing his hands on his hips, "is that so?"

"Hundred percent."

Sirius rolled his eyes trying his hardest not to feel what he was feeling. It was a bitter sweet moment. He was saying goodbye to his daughter. To the little girl that saved his life, made it better and completed it. Lyndy was his favourite person on the planet and he would protect his daughter before anyone else.



"I know you've said your alright with me getting into any house but what if I'm Slytherin? Would you be mad at me?"

"No. Because I spent I long time associating it with evil, with prejudiced thoughts that wasn't fair. It's a house with traits like the others, Not all Slytherins are evil, not all Gryffindors are brave, not all Hufflepuffs are kind or weak and not all Ravenclaws are smart. You create your own destiny, you decide who you want to be and no matter the house I'll be equally as proud because you'll be where your meant to be."

Lyndy smiled and nodded, throwing herself into her dads arms and hugging him as if she never wanted to let go. And Sirius held onto her just the same.

"I love you."

"I love you too pumpkin, know go say goodbye to Rem and begin your adventure."

Lyndy nodded running over to her other father and jumping into his arms. She loved her dads and there wasn't ever that void that people asked her if she felt. People who didn't except them would always ask the young girl if she wanted a real mother and she would just say no, the one word answer stated flatly because it was the truth. Her dads were everything to her and they loved her more than she could have ever dreamed.

"Listen Linny, I know your viewing this as a new chapter in your ever growing book but it isn't. I believe there are several books in ones life filled with that adventure. And when you step on that red train a new book begins, the one that will last until you graduate filled with your next adventure through life. It's a fresh start, a new beginning. Instead of remembering all the pre written chapters think of it as a blank book, your free, be you. Make mistakes Linny, fill those pages with memories that make it all worth it."

"A new book."

Remus smiled down at his daughter, "the world is yours Lin it's just waiting for you take it."

"I will. I won't disappointed you."

"You never do. Now go, and never forget to be yourself because being the same is boring. . ." Remus kept yelling things as she ran onto the red train u tip Sirius placed a hand over his mouth, "she's gone, and your embarrassing me."

"I'm embarrassing you?" Remus asked letting out a dramatic sigh before walking over to their group of friends who were saying goodbye to their own children.

Lyndy walked down the small hall looking into compartments that all seemed to be full. She even found the brown bushy haired Hermione who gave her an enthusiastic smile and wave but the girl was already in a full compartment promising to meet Lyndy in the library after the first day of classes.

She kept walking until she reached the very end, the girl giving up and falling to the floor, pulling her knees to her face and mumbling, "some start to my pathetic book."

"Talking to yourself?"

Lyndy shot her head up looking at a little girl who had dark blond hair into pink ends and a beautiful baby blue sun dress that shimmered in the sun.

"I'm Grace, you want to come sit with me and my brother?"


She jumped up and followed the girl into a compartment where a brunette boy sat his head pressed into a book and scars lined his face, the young boy reminded her immensely of her father, a realization dawning on her as she did.

"This is my twin brother Ollie."

" Fraternal I'm guessing?" I asked a small smile on my lips.

"We were identical but I'm trans and Ollie died his hair, same as me though."

"Trans?" I asked not quite familiar with the term.

Fear flashed over her face before she begun to explain and I watched her hands twitch with anxiety. Does she think I'm going to hate on her?

"I think it's really cool that you know who you are," I hope that was the right thing to say.

"And Ollie your a . . . werewolf, right?" I asked and watched his anxiety spike.

"Seriously you two, stop with the the anxious energy I have two dads, ones a werewolf, I've dealt with the horrible comments all my life and quite honestly I feel like you two are going to be the only tolerable people I'll meet."

"Was that a complement?" Ollie asked his sister.


"I hope we're all in the same house," Lyndy stated leaning against the cousin, "we could be roommates!" She shouted as she looked at Grace, the girl smiling over enthusiastically.

"What house do you think you'll be in?"

"Mum and dad were both Ravenclaws, pretty sure we have the same fate."

"Oh. I'm not sure we're I go. As long as it's not with Potter!"

"We hate him?" Grace asked.

"We despise him with all of our being."

"Why?" Ollie asked not understanding why he has to hate someone he's never even seen.

"We just do Ollie keep up."

The boy panicked retreating behind his book not wanting to ever come out again.

"You really want to know?"

"Please." He peeked behind the old tattered book.

"He put glue in my sunscreen and made me glue my eyes shut but the so called harmless prank reminded me of the night my parents died, and he never even apologized he said I deserved it and from then on continued to bully me. I hate him."

"We all hate him." Ollie nodded, not fully understanding the meaning behind why he has to hate the boy too but he never made a friend on his own without his sister and this time it felt like his own doing.

The train lurched to a stop the three eleven year olds running to the window;

"We're here."

AHHH! Thoughts? What house do you all think Lyndy will be in because I'm a little undecided as of now. But I'm in love with the blooming friendship of Lyndy, Ollie and Grace! Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great rest of your night (or day) :)

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