17. Why is this happening to me?

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"The househelp you were talking about?"

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"The househelp you were talking about?"

"Oh?" She turned to look at me and said, "ma'am?" I walked to him hesitantly. He looks angry, definitely angry. His clenched jaws were making him look scary. Suddenly I felt the temperature of the room drop. It was just not me, Bharat and Shreya felt it too, they suddenly stood still and straight, like he would kill them if they breathed wrong!

As I reached him, he silently walked next to me, and put a hand around my shoulder. "Shreya, why don't you take a photo?" I looked at him shocked.

"I.. I, what?"

"Photo Shreya, a photo!"

"Yes, yes sir!" Her nervousness showed.

I started fiddling with my fingers. And I looked down. "Look up Eesha," I heard him whisper in my ears.

Oh God! Why is this happening to me.

I looked up and the photo was taken.

"Done? Now show me," he looked at photo and continued, "why don't you forward this in the office group, and inform them that this is Eesha Bhairav, my wife!

Shreya actually took a step back. "I..sir, ma'am , I... sorry," her words jumbled up. Oh no! I put her in trouble.

"Do it Shreya!"

"Okay sir".

She typed something on hey phone. "Done sir".

"Good. Bharat, take a five," Bhairav commanded before he held my hand and dragged me to the lift. I could feel the sense of dread, fill me. Is this the day I get beaten up? Oh Eesha, why weren't you little more careful.

"Did she misbehave with you?" Bhairav asked as soon as we reached the cabin.

I shook my head immediately.

"Hmm.. she assumed that you are a house help?"

I nodded.

"Why did you not correct her?"

Because.. I wasn't dressed appropriately, I did not look like the rich person you would Marry, I don't have a good background, I am an illegitimate child... I didn't know if he wanted someone like me to be introduced as his wife.

"I asked you a question,Eesha!"

"I... I thought you didn't want ..uh... wouldn't want .. people to know that I am your wife!"

"What?" He yelled.

I flinched and moved back. Damn!

"Ok.. here's the thing Eesha. I would not marry you, if I ashamed of introducing you as my wife. Do you get that?"

He is not ashamed? But why?

He looked at me and sighed.

"Leave all of that, what do you want? Do you want to be introduced as my wife?"

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now