1. Life, like the way it is!

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6 months!!

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6 months!!

6 months since Kirti passed away!

The emptiness which I felt after she left me is immeasurable. Twenty six years of my life and she was the only one who acknowledged that i was a living person with actual feelings. She was my rock, the one person who stood by me, no matter what. Although she was five months younger to me, she was my sole protector.

Now, when she is no more, my life did not just feel incomplete but every second had started to suffocate me. That is until I met her daughter Kriya. I was just reminiscing her toothless smile, when my alarm rang.

Sigh! The day had begun. I woke up and looked around my residence. It was just a mere room, with a single bed cot against the wall, single cupboard against the other and a small stand against a corner which was a makeshift kitchen. And the bathroom, I shared it with the other women, who lived in the room similar to mine on the Terrace top of our owner's house.With the meagre income I had, I could only afford this place in thw bustling Smart City. Well beggars can't be choosers I guess.

I shuffled through the sweaty people along the metro to reach my office. This place is a constant reminder of my Kirti. Ignoring the crackle in my heart, I walked to my desk and started my day's work.

I am a quote and quote - management quota. I worked in the Marketing Department and my major work is to collect the data, either about the new market or about the existing strategies. The ground work which everyone looks down upon. Especially when the person collecting it is me, a mere 12th grade student. Why didn't I study further is the story I would rather forget.

"Eesha!" I heard a loud screech from a familiar voice. She was one of my seniors at work, who knew that I did not have the qualifications to do any job in this company but did get a job, and thus hated me.

"Stop day dreaming!...." I zoned out the rest of her rants. It did not matter if have completed the work or not, I would always be yelled upon. And I had slowly come to accept it. They all had something I did not. A Degree!!!

My typical day had work, more work and lot of yellings. It's been an year since I have started working here, but i haven't managed to make friends here. I don't know if I have to attribute that to my lack of communication skills or people's hatred for my lack of qualifications. After all, people always tend to interact with the one's who match their standards. And I am the last person to have some standard.

To the fag end of the day, I received a call from Father. "Come to the mansion at 6. And yes, just try to be presentable. Don't embarrass me".

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