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How are stories selected?

➤Stories that match our criteria are reviewed by selected team members before being added to our reading lists.

How long will reviewing my submission take?

➤It will be dependent on the number of submissions we receive. You'll need to be patient and watch for any updates from us.

Will I be informed if my story has been accepted or rejected?

➤Yes. You will be notified via private message on Wattpad, by this account. 

How many times can a submission be made?

➤Once. Only after you receive confirmation of the status of your past submission(Accepted/Rejected) may you proceed to submit another.

Can I submit a previously rejected story?

➤Yes. But it should have been improved in some way to be considered.

When are reading lists updated?

➤Once every month, preferably at the start if possible.

Can I submit a story after it got added to a reading list in the past?

➤To give everyone a chance, wait at least one month before submitting it again. You can however submit another of your stories.

You may ask any other questions you have here.

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