11: Deaths

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Percy POV

Jason, Piper, and Luke are taking the jeep back to the museum. The rest of us decided to stay in the area with the moving truck. According to Annabeth, we aren't allowed to leave the equipment behind. Whatever's inside the truck is important to the camp.

"We should camp out in a nearby building until reinforcements arrive," Annabeth instructed.

Everyone agreed with her plan. The streets are littered with zombies, so the best idea is for us to find cover inside a fortified building.

We entered a crumbling office building. Most of the building collapsed into the lobby, but a large section of the lobby was still open. We entered this building because the door was small and easy to block. Beckendorf and I moved a large chunk of concrete against the glass doors while the girls terminated the zombies inside.

The lobby was dimly lit, and rubble was everywhere. The rotten smell of organs and blood permeated our nostrils.

"Maybe, this building wasn't the best idea," I surmised.

"Don't worry, guys. Luke will bring reinforcements very soon. We just have to hang out for a few hours at most," Silena replied.

I walked to the receptionist's desk which was still standing. A few feet away is where the building collapsed onto itself. I looked through the receptionist's station to find a few water bottles and drinks. High-end business buildings like this usually have drinks for guests. It's been a while since I enjoyed some Fanta. I would've preferred Coca-cola though.

"Anyone wants a drink?" I asked.

"Throw me a bottle," Thalai ordered. I tossed the tin can to her, and she easily caught it. We cheersed before gulping down the cool drink.

"We should've been more careful on the road. Stupid flat tires," Annabeht murmured.

"It's okay, Annabeth. We're only a few hours behind. The sun is still high in the sky, and it shouldn't take long for the others to come back with a new truck," Beckendorf supported everyone with his words.

Silena smiled at him before sharing a quick kiss. I smiled at their interaction. They truly loved each other, and it's so heart-warming to see that.

"What's in the moving truck anyway?" I asked again.

"That is a need-to-know basis," Annabeth responded firmly. "The work in South Sector is private and only the leaders of camp are allowed to know."

"I feel like the camp has a secret that's dangerous to us," I snapped.

"It is dangerous," Beckendorf interrupted. Annabeth shook her head at him, but Charles only shrugged. "We're keeping the South Sector private for everyone's safety."

"What's in there?"

They didn't respond. No one did. That's when I realized that I was the only exception in this room. Everyone else knows the dealings in South Sector. Even Thalia knows that she isn't willing to share. I felt like such an outsider.

I sighed while giving up on the subject. I walked to the front of the lobby and looked out of the glass windows. The zombies were banging on the glass doors and walls. However, the building is fairly secure for now.

However, based on the splintering corners of the glass, we don't have all day. The zombies would soon break their way into the lobby.

Yup. This building was not the best option at all.

Annabeth seemed to have the same thought. "We shouldn't have come inside this building just because it's the closest to our truck. It's too damaged."

"We can try to leave and go to another place," Charles suggested.

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