Chapter 11

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I ran off the plane and Paige only just managed to grab me before I ran into a pirate. Paige picked me up and I clung to her she was like my mummy not that I have called her it but I like her shes my mum. The man gives me a one eyed look "Sorry sir" mummy says. I hide my head and she rubs my back, "Its fine" he replies. Daddy aplears a second later holding Ralphs hand and talking to Cabe "Nick" he replied before they shake hands. "This is your team?" He questions and I get out down. I look up at him and frown slightly he chuckles but says nothing. "Cars are out front" he tells us before leading us too some black van/car things. Our stuff was put in the boot and I got in with daddy, megan and syl are driver was a woman with dsrk brown hair. "Daddy I'm tired" I say making him turn from his front seat. He sighs and nods "get some sleep then sweetie, I'll wake you up when we get there" he says and I nod. I rub my eyes and lean against the window before I fell asleep.
I woke to daddy picking me up and clung to him, he sighs "Why we here daddy?" I ask groggigly because I was still extrememelllyyyyyyy tired. He sighs and looks up at the skyscraper before shrugging. We got lead inside and I see people lined up or leaning against the wall on the phone. "Team this is Scorpion" Nick says, I was put down and hid straight behind daddy. There was a chuckle as one of the men walked forward and kneeled in front of me. He had hugggeeeee muscles. "Hey there" he says kindly, I wave meekly. Daddy gives me a smile "Shes a bit shy" he says, the man smiles "Thats alright" he says getting up "Steve Rogers" he introduces sticking out a hand. Daddy shakes it "Walter O'Brien" he responds. This made phone guys head shoot up "You have the largest IQ dont you?" He asks. I giggle at this "Fourth" daddy answers, "I'll leave you all to settle in, me and Agent Gallo will be back tomorrow and no throwing the kids out the windows Stark" Nick says making ne slightly worried. Toby picked me up and I clung to him before he puts his hat on me and I grin. We all get in the elevator and go up to a really really really really high floor. As we stepped out there was already a man there who had a hammer "Thor" the team chorus. I was put down again and went over to Ralph, "Right I will show you were the adults sleep" one says before most leave the room. I stand still before sitting crossed legged on the floor, I hear a funny noise and look up to see a man with bright green eyes and black hair. Ralph grabbed my habds and we both got off the floor as he advanced towards us. "Hello children" he says and I gulp, "My name is Loki you will kneel" he continues. He pointed a sceptre at us at this point I let out a rather loud scream. He glared and waved his hand but whatever he wanted to happen didnt. He growled and I grabbed Ralph's hand running towards the stairs

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