Chapter 10

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I sighed and glanced at the baby photo of my darling daughter. I remember when they took her away, she cried and screamed for me yet I did nothing. I was stupid, my hand trembled as I slipped the photograph in my pocket her birthday would be soon and she would gain her powers but I wouldnt be there to help her. She would be alone. She would be scared. Ah I am such a bad mother. I was afraid for her, I had been told she had been adopted by a male but nothing else and that she was well. My heart became increasingly smaller when I thought of her calling someone else mum or dad. Her father said this would be best for her and that it will all be okay but yet I doubt he feels the pain that I feel. He didnt carry a child for nine fricken months in him!!!! Though she was early by 2 months she was okay then I had to let her go. Do you know how much it broke when they took her away? He was distraught as well after he had held her and she looked at him with her big brown eyes I saw he fell in love but we knew she would not be safe and now my baby is gone and so is he. The man I somehow felt some compasion for left without turning back...
"DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" I yell running down the stairs holding a letter tight in my hands. It was my results from school. My record for the week. I didnt go back though so hehe. Ralph didnt either. Daddy looked up and chuckled when I nearly fell down the stairs but Uncle Toby caught me. I giggle and run over to where daddy was working aunt megan was round later, I gave him my report card and he raised an eyebrow. "Disruptive? Quiet? Shy?" He questions looking at it then at me and I shrug. There was a laugh and I look at aunt Happy, "Shy, Quiet and disruptive how does that work?" She asks, I shrug giving her a cheeks grin. "Because I'm SPECIAL!" I yell the last word as Cabe walks in. He raises an eyebrow at this, I grin and run over before hugging him. He hugs me back before picking me up. I am extremely light for my age and also short. "Got her report, she has two different personalities" Toby comments and I poke my tongue out. "Wheres Paige?" Cabe asks. "Bringing Ralph in a bit why?" Daddy says. "Because you all need to pack we are heading to New York" Cabe says. "How long for?" Happy asks, "Two weeks" he responds. I pout "But its my birthday next week" I whine making everyone smile and laugh. "We'll celebrate it there" Daddy says taking me and kissing my forehead. I nod as the door opens. "Can Aunt Megan come daddy?" I ask pulling my best puppy dog look. He smiles "Of course" he answers and I clap my hands.

Authors note:
Just noticed it seems like I killed off her parents when the russians attacked but they arent fully dead I will explain soon. But just incase you get confused, plus _________ altered her memory slightly so its not who she thinks. Okay thank you.

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