chapter 8

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Sleep didnt come quickly for Cas, i sighed as the team and i got nowhere with the russians. We realised that are families werent the target it was just Cas. I glanced over at her, Paige was sat on the sofa with Cas's head in her lap. Paige smiles at me, Ralph was with Drew talking to Toby. Paige lifted Cas's head placing a pillow under it bedore walking over to me. "She is going to be fine Walter" she said placing a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and glanced to see Cas puling the blanket over her more. I smiled a little, "Walter its okay to be afraid" Paige said snapping me from my thoughts. I sighed and ran my hands over my face "I dont want to lose her" i mumble, Paige sighed and ruffled my hair. "You wont" she says. I hear a mumble, we look over to see cas nearly falling off the sofa. I smile and get up from my chair before walking over. I quickly picked her up making her stir "daddy?" She mumbled. I sighed and nodded "yeah sweetie?" i ask she opens her eyes and i smile. "Why the russians after me?" She asks. I sigh and ait down, "honestly i dont know but i am going to protect you" i whisper. She nods and clings to me, "daddy?" She asks and i nod "I love you" she whispers like it was a secret. I smile and kiss her forehead "I love you too" i whisper back making her smile.
I woke once again tucked up in bed, I smiled and got up my barefeet hitting the floor before I walked down the stairs. I see Toby and walk over, he smiles and picks me up as my feet were getting cold. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, "Uncle Toby weres daddy?" I ask. A chuckle came from behind me and I looked to see daddy, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he took me from Toby. He smiled and kissed my cheek "How did you sleep?" He asks and I nod. "Okay, what about you daddy?" I ask he smiles "I havent since it is still the day" he mentions making me giggle. The door opens and I look to see Paige, she smiles at us as her son Ralph follows with Drew. I wave tiredly at them and they smile a little,

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