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"I- i don't know Rhea, I think you should take someone else. I am the Last person on the planet you would need fashion advice from. " You hesitated about her offer. 

You were as usual doing your evening yoga in your room and Yun was sitting on the bed doing the homework you had given him. He still hadn't resumed going to school. Although he will be starting from next week. You didn't want him to be behind so you were constantly in touch with his school teacher and she sent you all his assignments which he did at home itself. 

You were almost done with your yoga when Rhea came in. She first talked to Yun as usual asked how he was doing and just the regular checking up before she told she had something to ask you about. 

"Will you come with me to shop my wedding dress" 

You were completely caught off guard by her sudden request. It had been three weeks since Bam and Rhea returned from the states after meeting her parents. Her parents forgave Bam and agreed to give him another chance. First everyone decided to hold the wedding as soon as possible but then Bam and Rhea both decided that the wedding will happen after your delivery only. 

As much as both of them couldn't wait, they knew that the wedding and functions would be too much for you when you are less than a month due, especially because a lot of families and friends would be there to see you . So they chose a wedding date 2 months from now. 

"That's definitely not true Yn. And I don't even have so many people that I know here. You are my only friend. " She reasoned, looking at you expectantly. 

In just a month of living in the same house you and Rhea had gotten really close. She became like an elder sister to you. Everytime you needed any advice on anything you would go to her. And not to forget she always had your back everytime you would go out with Namjoon. Infact a few times he came home she always found some excuse to give you two the much needed privacy. 

You really didn't want to deny her , you ofcourse wanted to be there for her in such a big thing but then again you didn't trust yourself. You knew you wouldn't be much of a help to her. 

"Ok I think i know the right person" You spoke after a moment of silence. 

"Rhea do you mind if Lily could come with us? She is literally the best person for this. She has so much interest in fashion and styling plus her suggestions are always the best." Lily definitely had an incredible taste in clothes. 

"Of Course not! So is tomorrow okay?" She enthusiastically asks. 

"Yeah. I will check with Lily and tell you." 

After chatting for a little longer about preparation and stuff she left . Yun also went with her . 

Left alone you immediately turned to your phone . A silly smile on your lips reading his message. 

You really are making me crazy Love. A minute ago when my assistant came to give me some files I called her Yn. Aghh it was so embarrassing . 

I- focus on your work Mr. Kim. You can't be distracted during your work.  The CEO can't slack off! 

You typed back smiling to yourself in anticipation of a reply which didn't take long. 

You can't blame me when I have this beautiful gorgeous girlfriend that I haven't seen in 2 days. Do you have any idea how hard that is for me? 

I can't wait to finally see you tomorrow^_^ 

Uhmm about that…

Actually i think we have to postpone tomorrow's plans Joon. 

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