38- She is back?!

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"Stop stuttering like an idiot and come to the point Taehyung. I don't have  the entire night ." Namjoon groaned. 

Taehyung had something 'urgent' to talk about for which he called Namjoon after work. But now that Namjoon was sitting in front of him he was just stuttering and talking nonsense for the past 10 minutes. 

"Ok ok wait! Uhm.. I wanted to ask you about something" he repeated the line he had told at least 10 times excluding the time he called him.

"For God sake I know that Taehyung, that's why I am sitting here, you have been saying this same line over and over again! If you have nothing better to do, leave me , I am taking yn out for dinner today." 

"I love a girl and I want to confess to her I just needed your opinion because I have never done anything like this" he said it in one breath making Namjoon halt from getting up. 

"W..whom do you love? It can't be-" Namjoon was cut by over excited Taehyung. 

"Yes hyung, it's her! I always found her so beautiful and caring but in these last few months I grew so close to her, although we labelled it as friendship but my heart refuses to just be friends. She is the sweetest, most humble and gorgeous woman I know. Her smile lights up everything around her. She--"

"Woah woah stop! I don't want to  hear an essay on how much you like her. It's none of my buisness" Namjoon spat rather harshly. " But let me burst your bubble, you can't like her . Like literally how ? how can you do that ?" 

Namjoon's face seemed red in anger. Taehyung was clueless of the sudden rage of the elder one. 

Did I say something wrong? 

"What do you mean hyung? Why can't I like her? I can like anyone I want-

"Anyone but her taehyung! She is f*cking pregnant with my child for God sake! How can you even say that you like her? That too on my face? Don't you have any shame?" Namjoon erupted, there was no doubt that he was loud enough to make the surrounding people turn and give them a few looks. 

Taehyung sealed his lips staring at him blankly for a few seconds suppressing his laugh but ended up bursting making Namjoon even more pissed than he already was. 

"H.. hyung you sound so wrong. Like yeah I know she is pregnant 'with your child' like you said just now but the way you put it sounds so wrong. She is just your surrogate hyung, not that she has any relationship with you more than friends, not like you are her boyfriend or husband that she can't date .

She can date anyone she wants , and maybe I can be that fortunate one" 

Taehyung got startled when Namjoon's fist banged harshly against the table making him and people around flinch. 

"Shut up this bullshit Taehyung, she won't date you, she can't date you. Not when she is pregnant with MY child." 

"Stop being delusional hyung, you can't stop her . She is her own person. What right do you even have to forbid her for anything?" 

"You don't have to worry about my rights.  I can and I will make sure she won't date anyone! Not even you." 

With that Namjoon stomped off furiously bumping a few incoming customers earning weird looks from them. 


You checked yourself one last time spraying the sweet perfume . You wore a blush pink floral dress with full sleeves. 


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