8- I care for you.

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Namjoon froze the moment those words left your mouth.

Who the hell gave her right to say those words? What does she even know about me? How can she judge me like that?

It was an irony that Namjoon said those words when he was the one who has been judging you from the very first day. How easily he assumed that you didn't care for the child. How easily he assumed that you are money minded.

But of course people never see their own actions, their own mistakes.

He dashed out of the room grabbing his car keys, his head could burst any moment.

Your words did manage to pierce through his heart giving him some kind of pain. Memories of the past began to hit him one after another.


Namjoon entered the small 1bhk apartment with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't wait to show Emily the box in his hand.

As soon as Emily heard the door opening she immediately hid the papers in her hand in the wooden Almirah and sat on the bed with a calm face.

"Oh Joonie you came?" She chimed in a sweet voice.

"Yes baby and see what I got for you" He said, giving her the box which was wrapped in pink paper with a cute little bow and a note ." For my other half , thank you for being with me"

She smiled at the cute note before carefully opening the box.

There was a beautiful off shoulder black dress which was mid length, simple but elegant. Just like her taste. It wasn't from any expensive brand but still it was no less.

"Omg Joonie it's so pretty" She awed looking at the dress. "But why ? It's neither my birthday nor our anniversary." She asked .

Namjoon smiled before pulling her closer, resting her back on his chest burying his chin in the crook of her neck.

"First, I don't need any occasion to pamper my love . Second, Today i got my first check so decided to get something for you"

"Ohh yess! I almost forgot. Congratulations my love! But wait how much did you spend on this. I can tell it's expensive"

Namjoon smiled sheepishly. "Actually it's not that expensive"

"Oh really? Tell me honestly how much did you spend?"

"uhmm.. A little over half of my salary"

Emily's eyes widened in shock . She gasped now turning to face Namjoon.

"Joon are you crazy? You know how hard it is for us to meet our daily needs?... How could you spend so much on it? How are we gonna spend the rest of the month?" She yelled furious.

"Don't worry, love. Actually my boss was really impressed by my first project so I will be receiving a nice bonus this week. Almost the same amount of my salary so there is nothing to worry about." He replied pulling her back in the previous position.

Emily nodded but still stayed silent.

"Ohh Joonie I am meeting my friends tomorrow" She said.

"Okk.. Wear this dress okay? You will look so pretty. I am sure your friends will be jealous of my beautiful girlfriend" Emily giggled before playfully hitting him. "You are so cheesy"

Next Day-

"Oh my my Ella this dress is so BOP"

"Ofc it's prada , My bf brought from Paris. But look at you girl you yourself are glowing in that Gucci"

"Yes afterall my Boyfriend came yesterday from Uk and believe me he has brought so much more. This was the most simple one"

Emily just smiled hearing all her friends bragging about their rich boyfriends and their expensive Clothes and accessories. She clearly felt outcast.

"Oh Emily you are so quiet. What about you? You also have a boyfriend right? I am sure he must be spoiling you real good after all you were the prettiest girl in our class"

"i..Uhm yeah" Emily forced a smile .

"Come on Mina, don't rub salt on her wounds. Don't you know she is dating that nerd who was our senior...what was his name?....yeah right Namjoon... He is working in my boyfriend's dad's company. His salary isn't even equal to today's bill" And with that all the girl's burst laughing . It wasn't the first time she was being insulted by her so-called "friends".

She entered the apartment with teary eyes. She ran into the bedroom and took out the same File. She dialed the number printed on the papers.

"Yes It's me Emily. I want to book an appointment as soon as possible"


You tried to not be affected by his words. He was a heartless man who does care about anyone else.

But you couldn't help. You were a strong girl and you have been through worse but this pregnancy made you really sensitive even the smallest things affected you.

You buried yourself deeper under the duvet crying your heart out.

Why is god so inconsiderate about me? He never gave me anything . I was used to misery and pain but doesn't it have an end. Don't people say that bad times don't last long? So why wasn't that the case with me? When will my bad time pass? When can I finally live a decent life?

Years of lonliness , torture and bullying in the orphanage you survived then the pressure of earning your daily needs. Working several part time jobs but you never once complained . But this humiliation and disrespect was too much. No one deserves this disrespect.

Am I so unwanted?

ofc even my parents left me .

Her hands subconsciously went on her belly gently caressing it.

Baby don't listen to whatever your dad said. I might not be your mom but I really care about you. After all, you are growing in here. I wish I could meet you after you come into this world, play with you, cook for you but I can't. I will have to leave you the day you will arrive. I don't know if he will let me at least see for once or not. I wish I could . But it's okay as long as you are in me I will take the best care of you. I don't care about that monster thing but I won't risk your safety. You come first you know. You are much more than a job for me.

Just like always even today this calmed you. Your tears stopped and a small smile adored your lips and you didn't even realise when the tiredness took over and you fell asleep.


"Yes her name is Y/n only y/n. I will send you the details of the orphanage and I want all the information as soon as possible.... Yes money isn't the issue do it quick"


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