Chapter 34- Thanksgiving

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Seeing as the Johnson's don't live near any of their extended family and neither do we, they invited the six of us over to spend Thanksgiving at their house. Realistically, Payton feels more like a sister to me than a friend anyway and of course I'm happy to get to spend the holiday with my boyfriend.

Mom and Mrs. Johnson have been down in the kitchen cooking and gabbing all morning to get the feast ready. Even though there will only be ten of us for dinner, they're prepping food for a small army since we all know the boys can eat. Not sure Mrs. Johnson knew what she was getting herself into when she invited us over. Sure, she's used to Tyler having a large appetite, but now she's got three more bottomless pits to feed.

"What do you think they are talking about down there?" Payton asks me, referring to my brothers and Tyler who are in the basement alone.

"Honestly, I don't even think I want to know." I joke.

We've been hanging out upstairs in Payton's room watching the Thanksgiving 'Friends' episode.

"Does it freak you out that it's three against one down there? I know they weren't thrilled to find out you two are together again."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about what they're up to. But at the same time I'm oddly at peace as well. I'm glad my brothers know that Tyler and I are together and that they've gotten to meet him. Even if they aren't one hundred percent onboard with the idea of me dating, I do know they at least were pretty impressed with how Tyler handled himself at my birthday. I think they saw that Tyler really is a good guy after all and cares for me. That's what matters most to them."

"I for one am loving that they are giving TJ a hard time!" Payton laughs to herself. "It's good for him. Nothing wrong with making him sweat a little, keeps TJ on his toes and makes him prove how much you truly mean to him."

I blush at Payton's comment. "Yeah, hopefully it doesn't backfire on me and he decides the package deal of me and the three stooges is too much to deal with!" I joke.

Just then my phone gets a text.

"Speak of the devil, he just texted."

Stud Muffin: Hey beautiful, you and Pay busy right now?

Lila: No, why? You need us to come rescue you?

Stud Muffin: lol no. You think I'm gonna let these three intimidate me? You clearly forget who you're dealing with. It'll take way more than that to stop me from being with you. 😏

Lila: ☺️

Stud Muffin: Anyways, you and Payton need to get changed into something that can get dirty and meet us downstairs in ten minutes.

Lila: What? It's Thanksgiving. We're gonna eat soon. Why are we getting dirty??

Stud Muffin: Just trust me and do it. It'll be fun. You'll see.

Lila: Guess I don't have any other option.

Stud Muffin: 😘

"Uh Pay, the boys are up to something again. Tyler just told me we need to change into clothes that can get dirty and meet them downstairs. Can I borrow something?"

"Yeah sure. He didn't say why?"



"Alright listen up. It's three on three, two hand touch football. I'll be a captain and Tyler will be the other one. Then we can finally see what this D1 QB really has in him." Charlie smirks to Lucas and Tuck.

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